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female St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City State (Holy See)
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Leslie @ Aefenglom

Queer woman who goes by Yosie. I roleplay sometimes.

4 years ago 32
[rp] trips and a top level for the Aefenglom TDM falls out of my pockets
4 years ago 4
[psa] For anyone using Firefox, there's apparently an important security update in 72.0.1, so my father sent me this article with the advice to check in Help > About Firefox to make sure I've updated to 72.0.1.
5 years ago 6 @Edit 5 years ago
[meme] https://images.plurk.com/kfjqE8WkDhBKyIkUk7CAU.png
Hmmm. I feel like I'm missing something. Maybe if I zoom out a bit....
There we go.
5 years ago 16
A question for people who know superheroes: what are phrases associated with Wonder Woman and Catwoman that are like the Incredible Hulk and the Amazing Spiderman?
5 years ago 34
I guess this is sort of a state of the RP, but really it's an excuse to tell people that I am planning to app Leslie to Ǣfenglōm when apps reopen in a month and a half, assuming that my life doesn't turn into regularly being like last week when it comes to RP.
5 years ago 16
[fe3h/crimson flower route spoilers/fanfic recommendation] I came across this fanfic that has just started. The subject is too dark for me, but I think I have some fe3h people who would be into a story of an EXTREMELY unhealthy relationship between Edelgard and Marianne that probably won't have a happy ending.
[rp] but instead of regret-filled announcements, it's meme links
5 years ago 9
[rp] So it's with a great deal of regret that I must announce that I have to drop my Fran and Medb threads at least for now, because I'm bad enough with playing more than one character when I'm not busy and I am busy.
5 years ago 15
[the monster duchess and contract princess] So chapter 32 was A Lot, but also it cracks me up that it took a part of one of my FE3H AUs that I used as a stand-in for some of the abuse Leslie has suffered, and now it's in canon but one-upping me completely.
5 years ago 49
[fe3h] Another plurker: When a plurk gets between 200-300 comments it gets too big for mobile.
Me, looking at my much longer liveplurks: Does it?!
I guess I'm making a new plurk for the last 3 hours of Azure Moon.