5 years ago
[rp] So it's with a great deal of regret that I must announce that I have to drop my Fran and Medb threads at least for now, because I'm bad enough with playing more than one character when I'm not busy and I am busy.
latest #9
5 years ago
And at the moment, Leslie is the one who my brain is most latched onto.
5 years ago
If I had the time/energy to dig my way back into Medb and Fran, I'd be happy, because I've got a bunch of really good threads with both of them and I had a blast when they were in the forefront of my RP options.
☾ Batty
5 years ago
That's fine! I'm glad you're having so much fun with Leslie too
5 years ago
But when I put all of them on the HGW meme at once, I discovered just how unprepared I am to try to take on a bunch of characters when combined with my current relative crunch time schedule.
5 years ago
I'm having a lot of fun with Leslie! She's different, as I've never RPed a child before, and it's fun to get the different view.
5 years ago
That's fine, yeah <3 I am having fun with our Leslie threads too
5 years ago
I'm glad! Getting to thread out Medb having to deal with a more caring situation than she is used to was a lot of fun, but if I divorce from any specific thread, Leslie is the one dominating my interest, so I'm happy this won't stop us from being able to thread. <3
5 years ago
5 years ago
I'm realizing I forgot to add this to my explanation, but: thanks, everyone, for being understanding. I know that "I've lost my drive for x character" is a normal part of RP, but when I've got a bunch of good threads with them, it feels worse.
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