142Friends 8Fans
female Virginia, United States
Em (she/any)

Dean Winchester
Jack Townsend

https://images.plurk.com/1aWI5gXiq7A0SiT3J4e73N.png https://images.plurk.com/278sYz3ABYhwkmoZqE2HVf.png

full muse list
1 weeks ago 25 @Edit 1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/70en4UwgotxCYcrKXjBKnw.jpg aaaaaaa!! issue 2 is finally out and i just got it!! some art inside.
https://images.plurk.com/3ZZofZtJVJLE60mgRdZ9PA.png i give myself a solid two and a half
( mental health/psych med talk ) also a general q, any of you guys familiar with prozac?
1 weeks ago 203 @Edit 1 weeks ago
( the boys ) → so i'm finally getting caught up on this shit finishing s3 / starting s4
1 weeks ago 29 @Edit 1 weeks ago
→ hey gang! every couple months i like to organize a 'tag party' aka a drink and chill on voice chat in the group watch server. it's been a while since the last one, so I wanna gauge interest & availability! this is open to anyone, new folks and friends of friends included.