( mental health/psych med talk ) also a general q, any of you guys familiar with prozac?
latest #135
just got back from the first psych appointment with the new chick, it was pretty good
she spend like a solid 45 minutes chatting about my history and meds and shit, felt very thorough and not rushed
my primary care stuck me back on wellbutrin a few weeks ago and we're carrying on with that. also good news that she'll eventually be putting me back on vyvanse, i was a little concerned bc doctors in rural ass appalachian boonies tend to be weird about adult adhd meds
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
but instead of putting me back on lamotrigine with it she wants to try prozac bc she thinks it'll vibe better with my whole shit, and before we pop back on vyvanse she wants to give it a few weeks so we can see how that hits
without like, blurring the lines on what could be coming from which med
3 months ago
Ive been on prozac since 9th grade! ask me anything!
what's it like? how's it hit? any weird effects?
3 months ago
so its the only med ive ever been able to tolerate! I do get some side effects, like teeth grinding and agitation/akathesia.
3 months ago
Its kind of.....emotionally blunting?
lamotrigine was a mood stabilizer but she was like, your mood's pretty stable, it may have helped with depressive swings a little but prozac may actually work better to give you a boost and help with anxiety
3 months ago
Yes prozac is great for my anxiety and it gives a boost/energy. Hence the teeth grinding and agitation side effects
so i just wanna get some general "what was your experience"
3 months ago
but im like child under 10 sensitive lol
3 months ago
I love it honestly. I found other meds like wellbutrin and paxil to be way too stimulating
3 months ago
Its one of the old ones, but goodies!
3 months ago
its got a really long half life too so getting off it isnt as bad as the o thers
3 months ago
Also its more forgiving if you forgive a dose, because of the extra long half life
i'm like, human eeyore levels of major depressive so stacking it with wellbutrin is because i need as much stimulation as i can get lmao
3 months ago
LOL prozac will hopefully help then!
okay cool, very cool
3 months ago
the capsules tend to be cheaper than the tablets, fyi
all gucci they're covered by my insurance
3 months ago
haha cool!
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
i'm curious to find out how it's gonna go because like. for a long time up until about a year ago I was on a schedule of
morning: 300 wellbutrin, 100 lamotrigine, 50 vyvanse
afternoon: 150 wellbutrin, 100 lamotrigine

but even with all that i still felt like not quite
so fingers crossed swapping in prozac is the missing link
3 months ago
Hopefully! definitely take the prozac in the morning, because it can be so stimulating
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
yeye that's the plan, tho she said for a very small subset of people it sometimes actually makes them hella sleepy and if that's the case to take it at night. hopefully i'm not in that subset
we'll find out soon ig
smh at the fucking vast shotgun of meds it takes to make my brain a functional sack of meat
i can't wait to be able to concentrate again without the mental wrestling match
3 months ago
Yes! Hopefully you're not in the opposite subset!
3 months ago
what dose are they starting you on?
3 months ago
10 yeah, but she said the dose we start at probably won't be the final dose we land on. p typical for antidepressants to start low and slowly work up
so won't be surprised if that goes up. the wellbutrin's definitely gonna wind up going back up since i've only restarted at 150.
but we're doing the slow introduction watch for weird side effects start
3 months ago
Yeah. That makes total sense.
3 months ago
10 is like, baby dose.
3 months ago
you can go up to 80 i think
3 months ago
prozac was literally the only medication I was on that I never noticed a side effect from. 60mg successfully stomped out the depression, anxiety, and borderline psychosis (post partum brain went brrrr)
3 months ago
prozac is amazing
3 months ago
I took mine in the evening and never noticed a significant energy boost, but that's just me
3 months ago
loved prozac, 10/10, I'd like to go back on it tbh
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
i did a little reddit research about it and folks were talking about how their inner social anxiety spirals and their whole replaying everything they ever said to another human and hating themselves for it shit quieted down, which is really what i'm hoping for lmao
aside from the general, you know, un-depressening. the de-anxietying sounds pretty fuckin sweet
most anecdotal commentary seems too be positive so far, i'm optimistic
3 months ago
it was really nice, I could sleep again without having to wait to be like. full body exhausted. or crying for hours over my own intrusive thoughts
man that would be pretty fuckin sweet
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
my pre-sleep anxiety thought spirals leading to insomnia are hella lame
It's the only depression med I haven't tried out, so I can't speak to it, but I wish you well bud. Changing meds can be rough but so worth it when the mix works
thanks buddy
in my case i've been unmedicated for almost a year so like
anything's an improvement ahaha
behavioral health providers in the rural south are fuckin hard to come by
I use Xanax Extended Release for anxiety, it will knock the shit out of it but also knock the shit out of you weariness wise haha. but I do feel it working during the day too, it's just more intense when you first take it
it's the only way I can sleep and it does help with generalized anxiety
but it is pretty heavy duty
i see i see
I take lamotrigine as a mood stabilizer and I would be dead without it (probably literally) and a few other things, it's quite a cocktail, but I'm glad you'll be trying your own, those cocktails are A+ when working right
my depression's the bigger issue than my anxiety so the hope is maybe reducing that will reduce the anxiety a little in the process
3 months ago
I was on prozac for awhile in college and it didn't fuck me up if I missed a dose like effexor that's for sure lol
i keep hearing good things about prozac half life
3 months ago
I don't remember a lot of how it helped unfortunately but it at least didn't make anything worse.
lmao well that's
3 months ago
I've taken it before, no major side effects except on day one I was kind of dopey and out of it.
oop, no thank you to that one
i guess one day isn't so bad tho rly
3 months ago
I think they gave me it primarily for depression and Xanax immediate release for anxiety but I think at the time my anxiety was chill(er) that the prozac was enough which sounds like what you're looking for.
3 months ago
wellbutrin fucked me up with anxiety and I had lexapro and xanax with it. I hope the prozac takes the edge off your anxiety!
thanks fam!
lexapro made me a total zombie, that was the first one i ever tried
wellbutrin does agitate my anxiety a little but it's worth the tradeoff of being able to get out of bed some days u kno. but yeah she said the prozac should help counter the wellbutrin anxiety spikes
while still also helping with the depresso
3 months ago
lexapro was my miracle drug for 10 years, it pulled me out of really shitty places including postpartum yikes, but it's stopped working and I'm back to the roller coaster. would go back to prozac in a heartbeat tbh.
oof, my friend
solidarity grip 2 u on that
the rollercoaster is not a fun ride
3 months ago
i stacked prozac with welbutrin and honestly it was a good mix for a long time! i’m weird and metabolize meds like pacman so things tend to only work for me for like 3-4 years before i have to change shit up, but that combo was good for me for i’d say three years, yeah!
3 months ago
i had more side effects from the welbutrin, which hecked my sleep a bit
honestly i'd take a solid 3-4 years
better than nada
glad to hear the combo works!
my sleep's already permanently fucked it honestly can't get much worse
3 months ago
Just in case it helps, I just found this drink called Recess Mood. Its literally fucking seltzer water with vitamins and lemon balm and I had to check there wasn't drugs in it. I have 30 bottles now because it helps my anxiety and sleep so significantly
3 months ago
3 months ago
Literally had to check the ingredients to make sure there wasnt like CBD in it or some shit
3 months ago
randomly grabbed it from my grocery store one day
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Very interesting! I do find I feel marginally better when I remember to take a magnesium supplement daily, I wonder if it's similar in principle
I try to maintain the habit of magnesium and vit d
But forget a solid half the time lmao
Seems like this might be just the drink version
3 months ago
i also do vit d and magnesium! it’s been helpful since ssris tend to zap that shit
i've been taking magnesium daily for years and it does make a difference for me, same for vit d
3 months ago
ditto magnesium and d, if I slip I start to feel crappy
same here! i was just about to add when i procrastinate on refilling them after running out i can tell
3 months ago
i was also on prozac for the better part of two decades! i had to fiddle with the dosage a lot over that time but it was also one of the only medications that really worked for me (other than god awful teeth grinding and dry mouth too)
3 months ago
and joining the chorus of magnesium, can't sing its praises enough!
magnesium glycinate was what my doctor recommended to me a few years ago, it's been the best i've found though i usually have to buy it online since i can't find the glycinate version in stores
however i'll admit i also don't look that hard when grabbing vitamins since i buy it online plus live in a sorta rural area so it might be easier to find elsewhere
Oh good luck with Prozac! Im glad other people are chiming in with positive things to say. I had the worst experience with it and was only on it for like a week before I had to stop. I’m currently on a combination of Abilify and Wellbutrin which has been working best for me right now.
3 months ago
also pls attend to your dental health on wellbutrin; it dried my mouth out so badly in six months that I am still having repairs done
3 months ago
i did also get dry mouth on wellbutrin, though i'm also a mouth breather, which doesn't help fjdksl
3 months ago
same; I tried to train myself not to mouth breathe at night but my sinuses said fuck you
3 months ago
It could be! i guess they use a high quality magnesium and B6
Yeah the dry mouth thing has always been a struggle for me, Vyvanse gives it too
My last psych recommended chewing sugar free gum
Because tmi I was drinking so much water I was peeing ALL THE FUCKING TIME
shoutout to the magnesium crew tho
3 months ago
we should make t-shirts lol
indech: i actually just scoped the bottle of what i have bc this convo reminded me to take it and i also have magnesium glycinate so
double handshake
I'm gonna contain my thoughts and observations for the next couple weeks to this plurk so I'm not spamming everyone with various iterations of my bullshit but
day 3 on the stuff
in terms of side effects, the only potential one i've noticed is sleep sweating?? these last two nights i have woken up SUPER SWEATY
in terms of brain impact
i haven't noticed a boost like people mentioned, but i also haven't felt sleepy like other people said, i think i mostly just feel
a different type of calm, maybe
like calm is my baseline, but it's usually calm with the caveat that i have a constant background noise of intrusive thoughts or anxieties that i've just gotten really good at ignoring or deflecting & maintaining a neutral state despite them
but I think maybe it's
like a more natural calm that doesn't require as much work?
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
idk if that makes sense or if that's just me placebo effecting myself, it's pretty subtle, we'll see as the days progress
I've been really fatigued and sleeping a lot these last couple of days, I'm not sure if it's a med thing or if I'm coming down with something. Note to self I guess.
3 months ago
Thats good!!
3 months ago
Prozac should make you wired but its so low you mmight just be able to relax now???
maybe so. people on reddit mentioned having this side effect at week two so I'm just gonna keep on keepin on and see if things level out
3 months ago
Yes! good!
Yeah keep at it, you’re still adjusting.
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