ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
latest #131
good MORNING gang
how are we doing
Manchester Orchestra - Believe (Cher Cover)
this is what we're bumpin this morning
i'm determined to touch the backlog of tags that i've been executive dysfunction avoiding because they require a modicum of effort
because it's not that i don't love them or am not hype about them, it's the opposite it's that they're SO GOOD i wanna do a Good Job when I hit them back and I haven't felt like I'm writing Good Job tags in days
(weeks rly)
it has been so long since I've felt like I've written a Good Job tag honestly
if I can knock those out i wanna also touch some memes or psls or something just. because i'm craving a little variety, a little novelty. so that's the agenda today.
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
maybe try again with kylo ren because would u believe i didn't get a single hit last time, wild, i thought surely he was still popular enough but o well
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
i also hit a kimiko with dean on bakerstreet the other day and didn't get anything back which is the nature of the beast but also, f in the chat
unicorn kimiko somewhere out there let me love u
If Taylor Swift's 'Lover' Was An Emo Anthem
honestly this man just pumps out banger after banger, what a good cover
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Dean and Castiel – Next to me [Subscribe to the main...
okie let's do fanvids for actual tags now; this is my favorite destiel video ever
3 months ago
I've been feeling the same way like I've had time to tag but every time I sit down my brain is like "you don't have the correct brain cells for this"
discontinued: honestly that's exactly where my head's at too
i have had time but it's just like i'm confident whatever i'm about to put out is gonna be lackluster, my creative energy has not been riding a good wavelength
most of the tags i've done the last couple weeks i've been like 'i feel like i could have done this better, something about the way i'm steering this thread has been slightly off and subpar'
i'm not sure how to course correct other than to just power through and keep tagging shit and hope it starts feeling right again
3 months ago
fwiw u are never subpar 2 me, but also same, lol i keep rereading things like "why did i do it like this" 🤝
🤝🤝🤝 me n u buddy, u are also always fantastic to me but i Bigly Understand
3 months ago
the 2 wolves inside
are we the 2 wolves noa
3 months ago
when we add a third wolf, that's when we'll reach peak
3 wolves 1 moon, nods sagely
im about to do this cas tag and just found a typo from the tag i wrote before it and it's going to bug me until i am dead
4give me jay-husband
dean → cas there's probably barely any rusty nails in that building at all.
dean → michael you have been perceived, michael
he is perceiving u
3 months ago
paingravy: this COVER. adjsfl so good. I commented on the video the other day that I never thought I’d be tearing up to Believe lol. I love Manchester Orchestra so much
3 months ago
(also lol sorry to jump back about a page re what I’m commenting on. It’s just a very good cover! Also ooh more Alex Melton clicks.

MOOD on executive dysfunction tags btw. But you’ve been tagging! That’s one up on me, dude. I’m aiming for the same thing today though. Just do the thing! We’re our own worst critics etc etc.)
ay all good man there's no expiration date on comments
sometimes the hardest part is just the starting, but once you force yourself through one, each progressive tag gets a little easier
you just gotta power through the starting
3 months ago
this is 💯 % my issue and I’m determined to get myself through it today. No time like the checks watch last two days of the month lol
i have finally perfected my omelette technique hell yeah
it no longer looks like frankenstein
dean → michael 3 a bunch of gods is called a gaggle you learned it here first
OKAY I THINK that is officially all my dean tags knocked out
jack → heather's npc just to bang out this maximum shitpost
shit you know what i want right now, i used to make these dope ass smothies with frozen strawbs and spinach and vanilla protein powder and almond milk
note to self, update grocery list
1/10 Spookies
3 months ago
Remember that the GOOD JOB tags are a lie. A tag is better than no tag and tags get better when there’s momentum
you are absolutely right
also coincidentally i've been thinking in my head today "once i wipe my inbox im gonna jumpscare jo with an ancient as fuck tag"
so brace urself for a jumpscare
fr though i know logically my tags are better with momentum and the longer i let them sit the more i second guess them and the more i procrastinate them and it becomes this vicious circle of tag procrastination
i have always said i'm either boomerang speed or slow as fuck and almost never in between.
this one.......
3 months ago
I almost feel bad that I’ve seen this already because you 100% have my number with this. LOVE this one. Love Noah Gundersen, love the original song, love how emotional he gets. It’s actually on a playlist I made of videos I watch waaay too much (it’s called “Are You Okay??” 😂).
this is the one i wanted to do the Goodest Job for
because god damn
i just... love them. jack is so fucking loyal to her now and i
swapping novels with dai wishing i had the brains to have written this boomerang speed
wingedvoices: if that's a music playlist u should link that shit dawg
3 months ago
ooh, good point! I will do that shortly :-D
jack 🤝yennefer: fuck the patriarchy burn everything to the fucking ground
fueled by spite
which at least gets all my game tags within 3 days
thank fucking christ
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
Pls cook 4 me
3 months ago
Want smoothie. Want Emelette......
3 months ago
Emelette... u stop that right now
3 months ago
3 months ago
I refuse!!!!!
jack → teddy forgive him as soon as he hears the name he'll connect the dots
jack → carmy lool
i have 4 game tags left... im so close
3 months ago
You can do it!!!
i also have just realized that this is the first time the spn cast hasn't been listed on the at or approaching cast cap list on the taken page
wild and slightly sad
the tales comic has given me gifts today

im so happy
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
back to it
definitely could be worse :' )
i wonder if we're all gonna miss ambrose now that mace in in charge....
honestly Jack was totally neutral on him until recently, he's mostly just Team Yennefer and Yennefer hates him so fuck him by proxy but
i guess we'll see soon lmao
jack → marco's cart im honestly really enjoying this thread
the loosey mcgoosey nature of no tag order / free silly action spam is just
a fun combo of characters too
i love dion's random interjections lmfao
jack → cassian throwback 2 putting out the nott fires with booze
flips a table
kicks over a chair
right on time for weekend shenanigans, i can be gratuitous and self-indulgent tomorrow and sunday
and boomerang some shit back hopefully
1/10 Spookies
3 months ago
I am in Sweden until July 9 so feel free to wait to jump scare me
1/10 Spookies
3 months ago
Congrats on winning RP!
oh shit I forgot you were in Sweden
i'll probably jumpscare u anyway since i'm finally fucking on top of things for the first time in weeks
1/10 Spookies
3 months ago
1/10 Spookies
3 months ago
Swedish cat. Judging me in Swedish
I really thought there was something especially Swedish about that cat's judgment
1/10 Spookies
3 months ago
Definitely a very Swedish vibe
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