latest #34
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
i would like to contend that jennifer ankles is part fae because he should not still look this good in tyool 2024. he is closer to 50 than not.
also shoutout to whoever out there dreaming up tales from the gas station / scp crossover shit and making art about it
i just found out issue 2 of the Tales comic finally came out so i ordered that shit let's gooo.
i also may or may not be going to knoxville for a concert with my cousin tonight depending on whether or not he was able to get tickets so let's see what i can get done between now and then in the meantime
jack → cassian ayyy a wrap on this one good job us
jack → jerry & carmy
i did not bank on jack becoming thorne's cigarette dealer but i guess it makes sense what with him being a gas station clerk and all
life parallels art no matter the dimension people go 2 him for their nicotine needs
jack → jistredd
He’s a fucking vampire
Those gifs are so good tho
For like slightly older Dean
they really are man
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
it's stupid how much they just made him play Dean again in that show cameo
2 weeks ago
Cat and Chris live in Knoxville if you need any local shot and you happen down there!!
2 weeks ago
ayyyy i remember! but we won't be there long
2 weeks ago
Understandable. But just in case!!! You know they're helpful folks and would assist when/if needed.
yeyeyeye thank ye kindly friendo
this fucking exchange i just had with my aunt
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
me: I think the depresso expresso is a little too strong for a beach trip right now, but thank you for inviting me!
her: maybe if you left the house you wouldn't be depressed woman
me: I have been on four vacations this year and shockingly I still have depression, it's almost like that's not how that works
i swear to god
i'm gonna fistfight a dragon
most of the time she's fine but sometimes she's so boomer logic i can't
studly boops
2 weeks ago
studly boops
2 weeks ago
palmer's frozen gaze of judgement be upon her
honestly fucking legit
if a trip to seattle to play dungeons and dragons didn't cure it, if a week in a cabin doing shrooms with the homies didn't cure it, if a horror convention in atlanta with my favorite author didn't cure it, somehow I doubt a sunburn on the beach will be what finally does the trick
2 weeks ago
Omg boomers doing this all the time I swear
2 weeks ago
I remember telling my mom and she goes “what do you have to be depressed about?” Ma’am this is a Wendy’s
i just
clenches fist
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