2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
→ hey gang! every couple months i like to organize a 'tag party' aka a drink and chill on voice chat in the group watch server. it's been a while since the last one, so I wanna gauge interest & availability! this is open to anyone, new folks and friends of friends included.
latest #29
obviously the drinking is not required, and/or you're welcome to substitute it with your herbal preferences or just have water and vibe with us
we have little games like "whoever has the most comments on their journal gets to pick someone to drink" or "you have 20 minutes to write a tag and post the link or you take a drink", just stuff like that
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
i was thinking of aiming for next week sometime, possibly the night of the fourth, or friday the fifth.
yell at me if ur interested and what ur availability is if so
i personally will be doing family shit during the afternoon on the fourth so if we lock in then it will start sometime early evening est and run until sometime after midnight/the early hours of the next day because of who we are as people so folks can pop in whenever
Join the We Do Things Here Discord Server!

anyway we're chatting availability in the server already but you can weigh in here if you don't want to jump in it yet
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
this is open to new folks, people on my timeline, or any friends you want to bring provided they're chill! I like to make sure things are as open and welcoming as I can make them so no worries if you've never jumped in with us before.
we're happy to have you.
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
i'll bump this tomorrow during a more reasonable less midnighty hour
2 weeks ago
me: what it's not midnighty I haven't been playing Zen Color for like 2 hours

(I have, clearly)
tag party tag party (I can't drink but sure)
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
the drinking is definitely not a requirement! the only requirement is vibes!!
i have to work on the 5th so night of the 5th would be best for me
but i could also swing the 4th, ill just be hung over at work lol but i feel like thatll be the case for most of us there anyway
i do have all of the 4th off tho so thats nice
the fifth is looking like it's taking the lead, both heather and nri seem like they're aiming for the 5th
2 weeks ago
Ooh I’m down, I keep meaning to jump into streaming stuff and social-anxiety-ing out but a body doubling drinking party sounds like a good time (either time works for me!)
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
if it helps at all, when we stream we just do text no voice so it's not as anxiety inducing as it may seem!
2 weeks ago
It does! Also I know logically it isn’t going to be, I just need to -- get past the Doing A New Thing freeze-up, which has for some reason been terrible lately
I work that night but if folks are up late I'll pop in
oh shit i meant to bump this during afternoon hours the other day but i forgot
anyway i'll do it now
looks like we're fairly locked in for the evening of the 5th!
just a reminder we're doing this day after tomorrow!
1 weeks ago
studly boops
1 weeks ago
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