i give myself a solid two and a half
latest #67
i feel like i'm the equivalent of if you put Daria in sad clown makeup
just like. clown nose, apathetic honk honk
not very intimidating
1 weeks ago
Legit. Especially post Newport. 🥰😂🫶
oh my god we don't talk about newport
fuck newport forever
andie 🍳
1 weeks ago
l m a o Karen and I were sitting in the car with our lil bevvies watching a hundred girls with platinum blonde hair down to their knees walk out of that shop, getting progressively more concerned.
Haunted Boobs
1 weeks ago
I am bad at numeral quantification, but I have not found you very intimidating, rather very kind and welcoming.
andie 🍳
1 weeks ago
Intimidation factor pre-shrooms was like an 8 and post was like a 3.
crossthesky: I AM VERY GLAD thank you !
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
stickyholograms: extremely pleased doing psychedelics w you knocked five points off my score
that fucking salon was the straightest hetero white girl salon in a state full of straightass hetero white girl salons and it was such a mistake
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
7 or 8 at jump, maybe a 4 at this point
7 or 8 is wild 2 me, a clown
even 4 is a little wild
1 weeks ago
probably has as much to do with me being a human purse dog as anything, I grant you
i pat ur pursedog head
kind of 4 because you seem cool in ways I am not
your fuckin FACE is cool
1 weeks ago
yeah see that's the other thing: you are also vastly cooler than I am, which bothers me not, but it does impart a certain quality to any interaction we have
please let me take this time to assure you all that I am not even remotely cool lmao
i am not sure where this misconception is coming from but it is completely unearned on my part
1 weeks ago
untrue, shan't hear of it, accept your coolness or face my wrath, etc.
i choose the wrath
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
to be honest
1 weeks ago
I'm not mad.
1 weeks ago
but I am a little disappointed
1 weeks ago
like it's fine. just. you know.
shots fired
okay u got me
i concede
1 weeks ago
your cool dude sunglasses will be in the post
studly boops
1 weeks ago
like a decade ago when I first met you like an 8 bc all I knew about you was that you were a good writer and very popular. intimidating aura of quality.
studly boops
1 weeks ago
now I give you nothing. I'll pick you up and dribble you like a basketball. maybe you can have 1 point as a courtesy.
that's just right, that last bit, yeah
that's correct
studly boops
1 weeks ago
I'm hearing you like to be held. like a balled up hedgehog.

actual selfie of me
the hedgehog
hold me
studly boops
1 weeks ago
LMFAO I retract my statement. you live outside, on the concrete.
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
hey do u remember when we used to aggressively respect each others (nonexistent) boundaries
that sure was a time
studly boops
1 weeks ago
man why were we so weird
studly boops
1 weeks ago
I'm stepping into your space
i think the better question is why weren't we weirder, like we are now, which is significantly more weird
than the extremely normal and polite Beforetimes
studly boops
1 weeks ago
u know what, fair point. I find our current level of weird extremely satisfying.
I also enjoy it and am equivalently tormented by it
enthralled and haunted by the milk
studly boops
1 weeks ago
every day I plot how to subtly work dairy into Michael's tags without it standing out
god fucking damn it of course you do
studly boops
1 weeks ago
you will point at it and go SEE SHE'S DOING IT but people will shrug cause eh, that looks like it belongs there.
studly boops
1 weeks ago
so subtle. so tormenting.
you're gonna milklight me
is what ur saying
studly boops
1 weeks ago
god the temptation to change my display name somewhere is so strong. love that one.
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