79Friends 18Fans
female Asheville, NC, United States
☛ Always dreaming. Mostly harmless.
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☛ Former RPer
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This week's FFT? The Picture Prompt Meme! Come cyoa and have some fun.
Well, holy smokes. I lost a whole week somehow, but the good news is I live!
Oh man, I may have broken myself walking around all day yesterday. But at least I got some great shots to upload later.
[Picspam] Con: I don't know how, but I have this skill of turning a half hour vet appt this morning into a full day out. Am exhausted. Pro: SPRING!!
Home at last. 11:30pm is a totally appropriate time for dinner.
MEME MONDAY, AW YIS. What Texts from Last Night did you broadcast over the comms, Enterprise travelers?
45 Life Lessons Written by a "90-Year-Old" Woman. An old meme, but these are still so great.