78Friends 18Fans
female Asheville, NC, United States
☛ Always dreaming. Mostly harmless.
Plurk Intro

☛ Former RPer
Muse List
New Food For Thought up in the Meme Comm! THEME SONGS. You got 'em, We want 'em. It's a music share kind of day.
Home. Pajamas. Heater on. Bever-tea. Wine. Game things. Go. http://i.giphy.com/Wi8O8WBtYX7dS.gif
/flops on Plurk
Y'all are giving me life today. Thank you for being awesome.
[RL] Oh man, I have had a laughably rough day. I am going to bed before I cut myself on this broken glass, but hi plurk. Tomorrow begins a weekend of epicness.