It is 5 o'clock I am claiming me time now, kthxbai RL.
I can't offer rainbows or stars, but what about someone from beyond them?
I am mostly going to ramble here until whatever time I pass out because I am having one of those days where

is my permanent expression, wheee. So please feel free to mute!
first up on my list is I really have got to catch up on my plurk timeline. I never announced a plurk sabbatical because I never intended to take one, but uh that happened. >_<
Though I will likely be on the quiet side through the end of the night because my quota for social interaction was dropkicked into next century Saturday and I am still feeling really spent.
so catching up on emails,

things, home job things, and whatever else I can't remember at present will probably snatch the lion's share of my focus.
2. MEMES. The saddest thing about doing Meme Mondays when RL is being a jerk is that all the memes I post are ones I REALLY want to do and I never get to do them. ;~;
so am I going to tag into things that happened like a month ago? YOU'RE DARNED TOOTIN' I AM. Just stop me. I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.
3. Gotta call Cheryl and see if she wants the free passes I have to the Biltmore Estate before they expire.
4. Don't snap and murder my family. This one is v. important.
appropriate Loki is appropriate
For the last little while all my journal updates have been pretty dark and depressing, because... well, RL hasn't given me much slack. So I am vaguely putting "better journal updates" on my TDL
which also means picking back up my "PRETTIES" plurk filter and posting more fun pictures and videos from February here, too.
I have a Captain Hook thing on there that will amuse the OUaT people on my timeline, at the very least. And everyone needs to meet Domingo. >_>
So if you're not on the pretty picture filter, just lmk if you want me to add you.
//curls up around your ankles supportively while you do the things that need done//
I am super happy it's spring here right now. I've been gardening a lot, and nothing works out bad moods quite like taking a shovel/rake to dirt. I garden the way Batman would garden, yep.
5. Run to the store because you keep forgetting you are out of cooking oil and won't be able to eat dinner tonight if you don't have it, Gabby, srsly.
6. I want to make a pair of open posts for reasons related to what day it is, too, but at the same time I should probably tag all my backtags before I do that.
Last week was terrible for tagging. From Sunday to Saturday I only managed 6 tags. /HEAD IN HANDS
I am not multitasking well. Debating with my life situation being what it is, what is going to be the kindest solution for my slowness. I may have to hiatus again, though tagging is relaxing for me
because lately even when I do sit down to tag, and I'm not pulled away to do something else, I freak myself out worrying about whether my tagging partners are annoyed with me.
Which is unproductive, obv. :-/
which also reminds me, 7. Be sure to tag into the HMD
Lots of thinky thoughts. Talking with other people = probably a good idea.
(I for one am not annoyed, for what it's worth, just eager <3 )
(I will never be annoyed, slowtime is love.)
8. Feed my cat who is sitting here looking at me like I am the worst person alive, OKAY OKAY I GET IT YOU ARE HUNGRY
I'll have to poke at this more later, since store requires pants and I really want to put on my PJs and settle in with a glass of wine to do tags/meme things. Pants TDL items = first TDL items.
Pants mean sadness, but stores mean foods and stuff, so, yes
pants do sometimes have a worthwhile payoff...
... Plurk. Way to tell me there were no replies to this until right this minute. :|
... replies, let alone naked Thor body. PLURK YOU ARE FIRED.
thanks, you guys,
I'll backtag basically anything into infinity so never worry about replying older threads w/ me pls <3
I am the same way! My ponderings are just growing into the longterm ponderings of somebody who has been saying "next month will be better" for more months than she can count, now.
So. You know, things which are good to think about.
fuckbitchesgetmoney: heh, I had almost forgotten what it's like to get a "busy gooby" remark in all my plurks. XD
Gotta work on keeping it up then!! But seriously, I do hope life chills out for you a bit ♥
You do! I definitely went "aww" out loud to my computer screen. XD
If things weren't so srs bsns it wouldn't be so bad. I've just been exhausted all weekend (I slept through my entire Sunday), and I know it's because of the emotional toll.
I have no other reason to be this tired.
gabby darling
Emotions can wear you out way more than exercise man
ashenkey Aaaaaaaaaaashiiiiiiiiiiiiie! I have some emotes for you I think you will like if you don't have them already, uno momento
i may when on comp have to rejiggle things to take them yep
Happiest puppy is so happy. XD
/adds more onto the hug pile
I'm never annoyed with you for the record
So guys if you ever wanted to know what's at the end of the rainbow I can tell you the answer. IT IS MY HOUSE.
there was a big beautiful double rainbow outside on my way to the store. It was super cool, I rarely ever see their start point. Usually they're handwavily off in the distance somewhere.

its because you're a treasure!
that was so bad, lmao ILU
^^^ My new superhero name
oh that's how it is, huh?
Okay, knocked 3, 5, and 8 off my list. I also need to 9. DO LAUNDRY, which I'll get started once I'm in pajamas again.
taking a quick break for wine and chocolate a tag or two, then I'll finish chopping veggies for dinner.
My life is super exciting y'all.

glad you approve
Productivity through wine drinking, which I almost typoed as "win drinking" and I feel this is accurate.
#goldengooby #windrinking #2016
lmao you guys are the best
HEY for the record I am not annoyed with you, I only look forward to tags and gabbytime.
wheeeeeeeee! I hope you brought the big blue box.
Oddly enough, you mention that and there is a TARDIS-shaped little free lending library like half a mile from my house.
is there a swimming pool in the library? Never mind, not important! I'll pack my bags.
Hm, 5am, where did you come from?
on the plus side I had a pretty productive evening until about an hour ago.
Well I guess I'm glad I'm not the only one whose notion of "evening" extends at least until 4am.
//curls up on gently and dreams of a wonderful day in the far-flung utopian Star Trek Future when LaTeX knows how to interpret opening double-quotes//
erlhkdlfhdfgsfhj hahahaha
as I dig through my currently 67-page multiple-chapter thesis trying to find everywhere I naively just put things in double quotes like someone typing a normal document would do in a sane world
because that is totally the important thing to do, and not, you know, actually finishing it
priorities are for suckas
stellations: pffffffff, you are
fashionably late, big difference. /smothers in cuddles!
omg how do you have all the cutest emojis, Stella? it's like you pull them out of magic.