Well, holy smokes. I lost a whole week somehow, but the good news is I live!
latest #108
I knew last week was going to be kind of crazy, so in retrospect I should have done a hiatus announcement. I just wasn't thinking I'd be totally AWOL.
GW Wolf
8 years ago
yay, alive!!!
GW Wolf
8 years ago
8 years ago
Air Ashari
8 years ago
Yayyyyyy Gabby is back. /hugs
I figured Wednesday would be blacked out, which is normal, and Saturday, but did not factor in travel time, prep, or ... other things.
Hi guys! How are you?
8 years ago
That you live is indeed very good news. Was getting worried aboutcha.
I apologize! I know there is a lot in my inbox to go through, I'm gonna try to bang it out as quickly as possible.
8 years ago
::nods:: We can talk about plot stuff when you're done! :-D
Yes, sure! And honestly it has been a week, not just a day, so anybody who needed me someplace should feel free to prod me again if I don't circle back quickly.
I feel pretty gross, a combo of fighting something off I think and emotional grossness, so I'm probably going to be slow today.
I definitely just woke up like a half hour ago, so I don't know what's up with that...
8 years ago
I wish I could have slept in that much.
8 years ago
<--- At work
8 years ago
yay live gabs
8 years ago
let us know if there's anything we can do, and we'll be waiting eagerly for delicious gabbytags when you are able <3
ChickletLARP: It's not as great as it sounds. XD I definitely have a sleep hangover and am nursing some hardcore tea. Hopefully work goes okay, though!
Exacerangutan: lmao you cutie. will do! I've gotta bang out some mod stuff but I'll try to prep a tagbomb in between other things.
8 years ago
Ashen Key
8 years ago
8 years ago
ashenkey: it's so weird now that daylight savings time has changed everything, seeing you awake at this hour again.
8 years ago
I half-live!
8 years ago
Hey, you're alive!
Ashen Key
8 years ago
WELL tbf I am also insomnial with ill. but just half an hour off now when I should be up anyway
8 years ago
Ashen Key
8 years ago
AND GABBYFACE was wondering where you were [snuggles]
herdivineshadow: Oh no the zombies got you at last? I promise not to murderate you until the very last.
errantwritings: I AM. Which is the extent of what I can say about life lately, lmao
ashenkey: Oh nooo, still ill? :-( This displeases me. I hope you feel 100% again very soon, dearest. Sorry I poofed again!
Ashen Key
8 years ago
more " ill again". it suuuuuucks. had to call out class AND work :-(
Ashen Key
8 years ago
but am glad you liiiiive
serenity2132: Hey you! LTNS! /sending lots of hugs your way
8 years ago
Dear plurk, I replied to this. It counts as responded. ::gives you guys tea::
8 years ago
Thanks, gabbynormal. I appreciate it
8 years ago
ugh yes plurk has been getting confused about what I have and haven't responded to for a few days now at least
ashenkey: Oh man no, I REALLY do not approve, then. I guess it's time to start harassing MIT for our robot bodies again.
I would like one of those. My lower back is angry about my 170 back squat yesterday. I think.
serenity2132: If you ever need anything at all, drop me a line. Being on the other side of the continent sucks, but I can always provide internet hugs and fun gifs or distractions.
Ashen Key
8 years ago
it seriously is. lazy geniuses
ChickletLARP Exacerangutan It's been doing that for me ever since the update, so over a month? Sometimes if I refresh compulsively it gets with the program, but mostly I've had to be OCD about going through
my tabs and checking things to be sure there are no new responses. I've lots a LOT of convos this year.
*lost, even
wanderlustlover: /ices you up and provides tea and cuddles
ashenkey: LAZIEST. Pretty sure I asked for my robot body, TARDIS, and food replicator like ten years ago. Honestly how long does cutting edge tech take? Huff huff.
Ashen Key
8 years ago
8 years ago
maybe I've been losing them and just haven't noticed :x
lmao it's possible! Plurk has been giving me such ulcers lately. XD
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
gabbynormal: I blame it on eating zombie jesus at church
8 years ago
Yeah, it's been like this for ages for me. Refreshing almost never helps.
8 years ago
I also can't open embedded pictures any more, I have tom open the whole conversation in another tab.
StormDracona: Hey, bb. /hugs you lots
ChickletLARP: Huh, that's a new one I haven't heard before. You've tried clearing out your browser cache, right?
8 years ago
I do it semi-regularly, I think I must have done it since the issue started, given how long it has been, but... I'll go try now. Can't really hurt.
yeah, sometimes clearing out all my cookies and restarting helps. For a little while, anyway.
8 years ago
We'll see if that did anything >.>
8 years ago
Ty. I deed a deeper cache reset than usual.
no problem! I save my sessions so sometimes it takes things getting really weird before I remember to clear and restart the browser. xD
8 years ago
I have an extension that saves all my tabs.
8 years ago
but nope, tried opening an image again. Nada. But I still prolly needed to clear the cache, so no bad thing
stellations: /draws into lap so you'll have an acceptable pillow
mmmm, tea. I approve of this payment. :-D
hey bb.
hey you
8 years ago
Only thing you missed (I think) is truckloads of dad issues going from the last few Father's Day plot threads.
TheHourMorgana: YEP I am catching up now, and figuring out my game plan. Oh man.
offduty: ... Should I be eyeing Grainne suspiciously?
Q probably mocks her mercilessly, I'd imagine. XD
8 years ago
Let's just say out of my 4 Thea's about to be in tears and Ed's screaming.
offduty: OH MY GOD, this is so unexpected. Not for Q, of course. Q always expects this.
8 years ago
Send someone to Ed! She's screaming at her so called dad in the hold.
oh man, OKAY!
I just finished laundry and dishes and am pondering dinner but I'm taking a time out to pull up tabs.
8 years ago
Ailyshia wants to see if she can poison Q
considering poisons aren't allowed in the game's rules, that would be difficult. But Q admires her pluck.
8 years ago
She has her snake tooth. Her body produces poisons biologically.
8 years ago
She actually all but told someone that she wants to see just how mortal he is. And that was before Father's day.
8 years ago
Well, game time.
tsk tsk tsk, don't start playing with fire
8 years ago
Lol. I know it won't work.
8 years ago
But it kind of amuses me that she wants to try
8 years ago
Heyyyyyy I know stuff has been crazy but I'm just making sure you saw this.
bagof4grapes: ahhhh THANK YOU!
Got it open, will tag it up before end 'o night. :-D
8 years ago
Thanks so much for linking me. I've been archive diving trying to catch everything from the last week so I'm really glad I didn't miss this!
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
( <3 )
yes good this is precisely the response I was fishing for. ;-)
8 years ago
//petpetpets gabs//
1 months ago
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