Oh man, I may have broken myself walking around all day yesterday. But at least I got some great shots to upload later.
latest #21
Tonight I'm getting drinks with my bro, so I've been flopped around all day trying to work on things and just being exhausted as I do.
(then again that could have something to do with waking up at 8:45 and immediately getting to work, leaving at 12:30 to meet R&S and not getting home until 8:45, and then going back to work from 9pm to 5am.)
(maybe. possibly.)
I am so very exhausted. But I did sleep until 11:30 so I got a few hours of rest in.
I need to restart my computer, trying to juggle windows is not working out for me right now. XD But I think I can muddle through it until I head out, and then I'll start fresh when I get back.
I have forgotten why I started this plurk.
definitely require more sleep.
Maybe it'll come to me after drinks. Or, at the very least, I'll do a hilarious intro plurk when I get home.
9 years ago
/gently tucks you into bed
9 years ago
I hope you enjoy getting drinks though!
9 years ago
get some rest and feel better pls
thanks, bb! it's just going to bug me until I figure out what the heck I wanted to say. WHY AM I SUCH AN OLD FOGEY.
Am home. Am fed. Am tipsy. Best time to do a,plurk intro, or best time?
renegede comma!
9 years ago
best time
GW Wolf
9 years ago
no I'm fine I am just feeling very silly atm
9 years ago
feeling less broken also I hope?!
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