Beth Harte
154Friends 155Fans
female Philadelphia, PA, United States
Marketing, communications and social media professional. History addict. Avid reader. Political junkie. Movie watcher. Art/Culture buff…and blogger at
Beth Harte asks
15 years ago 9
Plurks in the US with cable or Dish, did you notice the new Ovation arts channel? I just stumbled upon it this week. It's wonderful. :-)
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 6
Morning all! TGIF! It's been one of those weeks. What's up for the weekend?
Beth Harte thinks
15 years ago 4
it's going to be a good & productive day! That said, I am off to the races. :-)
Beth Harte wonders
15 years ago 6
why Jim Cramer (Mad Money) was so inclined to tel folks that if they need "liquid" to pull out of their stocks now & not wait 1-2 yrs. Nice.
Beth Harte shares
15 years ago 12
A Plurk musing for the day. If I haven't 'friended' you, here's why:
Beth Harte shares
15 years ago 5
her blog catchup (T's): Touching: Twitteriocy: Tribalization:
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 15
Good morning all! I took some time off to re-energize and I think it helped. :-) What's new?
Beth Harte wonders
15 years ago 1
if you like crayons? Is the analogy to "Elmo-sh?!" For some reason I have always loved crayons (and pastels!)...
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 16
Good morning everyone! How goes it? (bye)
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 9
Good morning all! (bye) How was your weekend? Andre, if you see this, how was WC Birmingham?