Beth Harte wonders
15 years ago
why Jim Cramer (Mad Money) was so inclined to tel folks that if they need "liquid" to pull out of their stocks now & not wait 1-2 yrs. Nice.
latest #6
BarbaraKB feels
15 years ago
interiews. press. buzz. what else?
15 years ago
That guy has always been so dangerous - I can't believe NBC gave him legitimacy.
15 years ago
I thought he said if you need money for a down payment, college in the short term to not leave it in the stock market? At least, I think it
onepinktee was
15 years ago
him on MSNBC last night...
15 years ago
This morning he was saying if you need money in the next 5 years, you should take it out immediately. My problem with him is, he should have
15 years ago
been telling people that advice for years. Not *now* that they've already lost a ton.
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