Beth Harte asks
15 years ago
Plurks in the US with cable or Dish, did you notice the new Ovation arts channel? I just stumbled upon it this week. It's wonderful. :-)
latest #9
15 years ago
we've had Ovation for a long time - it's great :-)
15 years ago
wait...did they start a new channel or is it just new to your provider?
jesssanders will
15 years ago
have to check that out, thanks!
Beth Harte says
15 years ago
OPT, hmmm, maybe they just added. I never had it before and just found it. But I love it.
Beth Harte says
15 years ago
We have the over 250 channel package, so many they snuck it in. :-)
Stinky loves
15 years ago
Ovation. We've had it for years.
Tegala is
15 years ago
beginning to wish we had cable, that channel sounds neat!
Tegala says
15 years ago
but we watch too much TV when we have cable, so got rid of it a few years ago.
Beth Harte says
15 years ago
Teeg, that is probably smart! We DVR everything and then go back and watch it when we find time. There's never enough time.
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