Beth Harte
154Friends 155Fans
female Philadelphia, PA, United States
Marketing, communications and social media professional. History addict. Avid reader. Political junkie. Movie watcher. Art/Culture buff…and blogger at
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 5
Spent the day shopping for summer clothes to wear while in AZ next week at the Marketing Profs Digital Marketing Mixer.
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 7
YES! Guess what's back?! (drinking)
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 22
I need to tell you all...Social Media works. Want to know why?
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 22
Damn Karma! I lost my beer clinking emoticon! Grrrrr.
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 15
Morning! Hate to plurk and run, but it's another crazy busy day. When will this end?!
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 20
Tonight is Mr. Harte's b-day dinner. Sorry I won't get to Plurk more with you all! :-)
Beth Harte feels
15 years ago 13
thanksful for all the great Blog Action Day posts! I will list the one's I know about...
Beth Harte asks
15 years ago 10
is anyone here on Plurk participating in Blog Action Day today? Maybe we could all share our posts for the day?
Beth Harte says
15 years ago 13
My karma just keeps plummeting...I think I need a few nights of great conversations. Things have been nuts though.
Beth Harte shares
15 years ago
Live - Pillar of Davidson (1999-12-18 - #06) This has been my week. Glad it's over. ;-)