Beth Harte says
15 years ago
Good morning all! I took some time off to re-energize and I think it helped. :-) What's new?
latest #15
15 years ago
good morning! I could use some time off too!
Beth Harte says
15 years ago
LOL! It's easy...just don't fire up the computer. (LOL) Well, at least it worked over the weekend.
Beth Harte says
15 years ago
Very nice! Thank you!
Tim Jackson
15 years ago
Happy to see you Beth!
Beth Harte says
15 years ago
Hi there TIMMY!! What's going on? I've missed you.
Tim Jackson
15 years ago
Little of this, lots of that... you know... the usual...
Beth Harte says
15 years ago
A little biking? :-)
Tim Jackson
15 years ago
Yes, a little- in small and sporadic doses... but I'm gonna ride every day this week; come hell or high water!
DebInBoston says
15 years ago
hello Beth! How's it going over there? :-o)
Tegala says
15 years ago
Good morning! Re-energizing sounds good. Not much happening here, working on a new blog post and trying to get some things caught up.:-)
@giovanni says
15 years ago
wow..thought you left :-/
15 years ago
Hey there! It seems like re-energizing was the theme of the weekend...good way to get ready for the coming week :-)
15 years ago
Hi Beth- I did the same! We had a mind meld. :-)
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