38Friends 9Fans
female New York, NY, United States
1 months ago 14
teejhead I just saw your IG post, did not know you were a Mets fan? G is a huge fan and actually got to cover the series for the Inquirer, and M and I went to last night's game. It was such a blast!
1 months ago 6
ms_1516 How are things in Nashville? We only caught the end of the game but how exciting! We were having a debate how they got the goalpost from the field all the way downtown, I don't recall it being that close. Anyway, wild times
3 months ago 2
So long, London! On the plane home after an great trip. Kind of wild the ground we were able to cover in just three days but we got lucky with perfect weather, concert was beyond amazing and the PL soccer match was great fun too even if the evil team won. We managed to see the neighborhoods recommended and G is plotting how to live there for a bit.
3 months ago 7
Speaking of London, does anyone have any restaurant recommendations? Anywhere near the center, local food not too touristy if possible.
6 months ago 14
Resurfacing after an amazing Banff trip. Had all kinds of weather being it spring and hiked in everything from beautiful sunny days through rain to all out snowstorm. We did have enough good weather every day to make things very manageable.
6 months ago 19
So A and I are heading to Banff next week (with help from jenupton) and I am wondering what we may need as far as hiking goes. We are both in good shape, and acquired and broke in hiking shoes. Just doing day hikes no camping, what are the must haves I may not be thinking about?
7 months ago 4
Speaking of kids G just called that she will get to cover the Sixers - Knicks playoff series at MSG this weekend. After covering Wrestlemania in Philly a couple weeks ago, this is another big fun event to go to and cover. She is very excited!
8 months ago
Interesting, I prefer self check out and if given the choice will always do it over using a cashier.
8 months ago 14 @Edit 8 months ago
We are planning to go to Toledo for family visit combined with eclipse viewing (hopefully) next month. I am trying to get the glasses ordered and there are so many from cheap to somewhat pricey ones. I know several of you have done it already, does it matter which ones you order or are the cheap Amazon 10-packs fine?
9 months ago 3
I am supposed to bring desert to the game this weekend and just learned several players are gluten free. I recall some of you may be, any suggestions for good store bought gluten free desert?