[Event] has fallen asleep face down on a chart of a human skeleton.
heard all about the heatwave in the UK, and is already on one of the old man's beaches teaching his youngsters how to surf properly.
Sends Portugal hair-dye. He tried to make his presents practical. It's even formulated for extra long grey coverage.
catching the rays somewhere in Europe. Winter was coming in Australia... and he didn't like that fact one bit.
camped outside of Romano's front door with a hemp sack. There is a bottle of Vintage Wine on his doorstep... hopefully that would be distraction enough
dying from boredom.... Even he had his off days
currently sitting in the lobby of Germany's office. He had come on business... but had somehow been distracted by a worker there and was trying out his 'select' German on them. Germany should probably_
broken his computer. He wonders if any his neighbours could take a gander at it and fix it for him?
[Event] knocks on Yong Soo's door after a few days of going MIA. He still looks pretty broken up, and he doesn't expect work. He was just wanting to apologise and return the dragon since he'd been unable to_
[Event] missed work today. He's currently on the top of a trash heap. It's what happened when you were pitted against a bigger robot.