William has
11 years ago
camped outside of Romano's front door with a hemp sack. There is a bottle of Vintage Wine on his doorstep... hopefully that would be distraction enough
latest #40
William was
11 years ago
never one to step down from a Challenge. Even if it involved the Italian Mafia.
11 years ago
can hear Maddy barking as she always does when there's someone by the door...by there was no knock or doorbell. He frowns, retrieving a gun from under a floorboard. Precautions afterall, the mafia had been_
11 years ago
_getting a little out of hand, lately. He peeks outside, and immediately opens to door when he spots the wine. Not his smartest moment, but he had a gun and that counted for something...right?
11 years ago
doesn't quite notice the gun, he isn't all that bright either. He shifts on his haunches, waiting for the man to bend down to pick up the wine. That would be the moment he would strike.
11 years ago
grins, under the impression that he may have a secret admirer, or maybe it was that cute girl from a few days ago. His grip doesn't waver on the gun, but he does bend down to fetch the bottle without bothering_
11 years ago
_to check around him.
11 years ago
shouts, 'Ah hah!' as he brings the bag down over Romano's head. He then rugby tackles him to the ground and tries to keep him there.
11 years ago
yelps and the gun goes off, just barely missing his own foot. "What the fuck! Figlio de troia, I'm going to fucking..." He lashes out, moving to try and throw the other off, or at least hit the other with the_
11 years ago
11 years ago
yelps when the gun goes off, grip on the sack slackening. He wraps his arms around the man's waist instead, groaning when the gun hits him. 'F-fuck! Who walks around with a bloody gun?!?' he asks, looking this_
11 years ago
way and that to see if they're attracted attention.
11 years ago
recognizes the voice immediately. "Idiota, what the fuck!" He uses the new grip around his waist to flip the other forward, or at least attempt to. "Get the fuck off of me!"
11 years ago
's feet lift off the ground for a moment before he uses his weight to get them back on the ground. He leans back, picking the man up and heading into the house. 'Only when you promise not to shot me.'
11 years ago
flails even more, lashing out with the gun. "I'll fucking shoot you in the face if you don't put me down!"
11 years ago
Drops him. His face is too pretty to be shot D: Or so he thinks. 'You did set down a challenge. And I don't see any mafia.'
11 years ago
rips the sack off of him. "I'm mafia, dumbass. Or did you want me to call the rest?"
11 years ago
holds up his hands, giving the man a bashful grin. 'I was expecting a swat team?' He eyes the gun warily, 'Are they even legal here?'
11 years ago
scowls. It's kind of...complicated. "Well...not technically. But my boss is fine with them. The ones that make money but give them a cut, and sometimes they.." He waves it off "That's not the point, it's_
11 years ago
_complicated, okay? My point is." He's waving the gun around as he speaks, uncaring that it's...a gun. He'd flicked the safety on anyhow. "If you want a swat team, I can call them. Do you want me to bring you_
11 years ago
_to one of the damn fronts?"
11 years ago
's eyes follow the gun, carefully listening to the other. He weighs up his options, carefully watching him. 'Will I be killed?'
11 years ago
pauses at that. "No...You're my guest, so they wouldn't. You think I'd let you die in my home?" His eyebrows raise at that, a little surprised.
11 years ago
shrugs, 'I did just try to kidnap you....?' He thinks Italy is forgetting that his country was originally a dumping place for England's convicts. He grew up with a colourful bunch, he can cope with a few Mafia_
11 years ago
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "It was obviously not a serious kidnap attempt, idiota. If you had tried to actually leave with me, they would have shown up. Did you want to try again and see?"
William thinks
11 years ago
about this, before shaking his head. He chuckles, 'I'm fine.'
11 years ago
shrugs. "Your choice. You can come in for some wine if you want." He's still toying with the gun as he picks up the fallen bottle of wine.
11 years ago
eyes up the gun, 'Are you gonna put that away before you start drinking?'
11 years ago
quirks an eyebrow at him. "Does the gun make you nervous? It's just a gun." Not like they've never fought a war before...
William has
11 years ago
been in wars, which is why he doesn't like people flailing them about. 'Alcohol and guns make me twitchy.'
11 years ago
....thinks that's incredibly unfortunate. "Does that mean you won't drink the wine?" He wonders what he'd do if he ever visited Alfred. Alfred's home was incredibly...gun friendly, and he didn't know anyone_
11 years ago
_that didn't drink.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Well I'm not the one swinging it about a gun, so why can't I drink it?' He looks a bit confused, 'If you just put it in a drawer or something I wouldn't really give a Kangaroo's arse about_
11 years ago
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, thinking the other ridiculous. But he heads inside, shoving it back underneath one of the floorboards. "Happy now?"
11 years ago
Follows him in, taking his shoes off at the door. 'Yep. Much happier.' He grins, 'Thanks.'
11 years ago
shrugs, leading him into the kitchen, fetching the wine glasses. "You're welcome. If your home is full of criminals, then why be nervous about it?"
11 years ago
blinks, 'It was a penal colony. Now our crime rate is normal, thank you very much.' He sits at the counter, 'Ignoring that, don't you think experience makes people cautious.'
11 years ago
supposes so, but history does tend to repeat itself. "I think experience makes people crazy. You're cautious, that crazy...Prussia misses the wars. I avoid people that I have history with." Which he supposed_
11 years ago
_could be categorized as cautious. "If you notice, the old powers still like to think they're in control."
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