William has
11 years ago
broken his computer. He wonders if any his neighbours could take a gander at it and fix it for him?
latest #124
11 years ago
Appreciates it! He knew one of his neighbours would be able to fix it! He was pretty sure the laptop came from Asia so...
11 years ago
hums... 'It started when I accidentally spilled tea on it.'
11 years ago
nods, looking a little worried. He's not so good at delicate things. He sits beside the man, looking a little sheepish. 'I guess I'll be in your care then, mate.'
11 years ago
nods, 'Alright.' He doesn't quite know what he's letting himself in for.
11 years ago
makes a sound, 'Crack it open?' Yeah... he might be a little scarred after this whole experience.
William is
11 years ago
starting to doubt his choice in help. He sits though, keeping silent. If worse came to worse he would buy a new one ~.~
11 years ago
peers over his shoulder to watch, wincing every time he thinks something is going to break. 'You... you can just clean it?'
11 years ago
nods, keeping his fingers crossed. When he realises he's pratically breathing down the man's neck he pulls back, trying to distract himself from the rather stressful scene. He ends up fiddling his thumbs.
11 years ago
looks a little anxious as he tries to turn it on, frowning as it valiantly tries before spluttering back down into a painful death. 'That's what it did before,' he explains, looking a little like a kicked puppy
11 years ago
reaches up to fix his hair. He's pretty sure Yong Soo is younger than him in human years and yet... the guy was babying him. He must of looked a little pathetic. 'Ta... sorry to be a bother.' He rubs the back_
11 years ago
of his neck, 'I'm sure you have better things to do.'
11 years ago
manages a grin back, nodding with a bit more confidence. 'If you're sure... do you want anything?'
11 years ago
nods, 'I'll go see what If I've got any chocolate.' He pats the man lightly on the back, wandering off to find something.
11 years ago
soon returns with a selection of chocolate bars, having brought paperwork back with him as well so that he would not bother the man as much. 'Take as much as you want.'
11 years ago
sits himself on a chair further away getting to work, 'If you need anything else, just say. I owe you after all.'
11 years ago
nods, 'That doesn't matter though, it's the thought that counts. I really appreciate it.'
William has
11 years ago
screwed up the connection to the power supply, and since the battery is already low it's causing a lot of problems.
11 years ago
glances over his paperwork every so often. His Korean wasn't all that good so it was mostly gibberish to him, 'Everything okay?'
11 years ago
nods, 'Alright. I'll make you some tea for the long diagnostics wait then?' He puts down his paperwork, disappearing to make tea.
11 years ago
does have a password, it's his Koala's name as the hint will tell Yong Soo. He returns with the tea, looking down at the computer. 'Oh yeah, it's Bruce. I didn't know how you took your tea by the by, so_
11 years ago
there's milk and sugar out.'
11 years ago
smiles, 'Still, this way you can make it just the way you like it mate.' He resumes his spot on the chair, leafing through the paperwork.
11 years ago
laughs, 'You're too polite.'
11 years ago
hums, 'Probably, but you don't have to worry with Aussies. We're used to flak.'
11 years ago
looks a little shocked, he wasn't expecting that in the least. He turns a little pink, laughing it off. 'Not the flak I was expecting. Just make yourself comfortable, alright? Even if that means staring at my_
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles, 'Grand. Sorry for bothering you with it though.' He puts his paperwork to the side, 'I can take you sight seeing, as thanks, if you want?'
11 years ago
grins, 'Alright. Once that diagnostic thing is done I'll take you to the Golden Coast.'
11 years ago
hums, 'The coast is pretty cool, but once you get further into the mainland it kinda looks all the same? You know?' He's quick to add, 'I'll be sure to show you all the cool stuff though.'
11 years ago
nods, 'Of course. And rock climbing! I also play Rugby and cricket, and Australian football.' He was definitely more of an outdoorsy type, 'Do you wanna go surfing, like?'
11 years ago
ahhs, 'Well, I could share the wealth and teach you a bit, if you want? It gets pretty warm in Korea too, right?'
11 years ago
smiles, 'Alright.' >3
11 years ago
nods, 'Yeah. I use AVG.'
11 years ago
(( I'm so scared D: ))
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'No...'
11 years ago
nods, 'I 'm glad I came to you.'
11 years ago
Laughs, 'You should stick to it.' He comes over to check on the screen, 'So can I do these sorta things myself?'
11 years ago
nods, 'Right... I should probably get computer savvy huh? Before people start calling me old.' He could use the internet an everything fine, but he didn't know one thing about maintenance.
11 years ago
grins, 'None of us do though, not really... Apart from England.'
11 years ago
nods, 'There is no saving them.' He doesn't look all that sad, 'Turkey is getting on a bit too, ya know.'
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'I'm not saying that. There is nothing wrong with an older man, as long as they're alright to look at.' He had slept with the Turk after all.
11 years ago
laughs, 'Who else is on that list, huh?... China?'
William thinks
11 years ago
about that, '... Japan is a bit uptight though, right?' Japan and Australia had issues, over boats and whales ~.~ Australia was still upset over the broken boat.
11 years ago
hums, 'Maybe. He just tends to get mad though.' He hums, 'Francis is alright for an older guy... and the Nordics don't look bad.'
11 years ago
hums, 'I was thinking the likes of Norway and that.' He could appreciate Denmark, although the man reminded him of himself too much, in looks. 'Most of the nations are actually pretty old, huh?'
11 years ago
nods, 'Me and New Zealand are pretty young... A lot of the guys in Africa too.'
11 years ago
((I presume xD ))
11 years ago
hums, 'Last time I saw him he seemed alright. Busy like, with the whole Hobbit thing.'
11 years ago
grins, 'Cute. Ditzy. Airhead. All are appropriate in describing him. He's a great guy.'
William thinks
11 years ago
about the question before he answers with a grin, 'Me.'
11 years ago
laughs, 'Why lie?'
William was
11 years ago
joking mostly, and had managed to avoid the question so.. 'What about yourself?'
11 years ago
realises that the guy is copping out, like he just had but... 'Alright. You don't seem to have a particular type though, I mean Turkey and Norway are pretty different.'
11 years ago
ahhs, 'So... it's not just about being good to look at. It's an emotional thing as well.' He ruffles Yong Soo's hair, 'Your pretty cute, you know that?'
11 years ago
laughs, 'Did you now?' He looks amused. 'I invented sexy then.'
11 years ago
looks as though he is holding in is laughter. 'Ohh yeah? I think you're lying.'
11 years ago
11 years ago
arches a brow back, challenging him, 'Then you've got to admit that I invented it.'
11 years ago
hums, as though seriously considering it. 'Alright, but only cause I'm generous.'
11 years ago
grins, 'Force ya to come to my way of understanding.'
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