William is
11 years ago
currently sitting in the lobby of Germany's office. He had come on business... but had somehow been distracted by a worker there and was trying out his 'select' German on them. Germany should probably_
latest #111
11 years ago
come save the employee.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
walking by with a large folder of documents when he spots the Aussie and his brow immediately raises at what he was hearing. "William?" He finally speaks up to the relief of the employee who quickly scurried
11 years ago
11 years ago
turns to the German not quite noticing the quick escape of the employee, yet. He would be a bit bummed when he did. 'Ludwig... are ya impressed? I learned it on the ride over.' He grins cheekily, looking rather
11 years ago
proud of himself.
11 years ago
looks a little unsure on how to reply but eventually nods his head. "You had a distinctive Swiss accent. I'm impressed." That really translated too, he hadn;t understood a thing. "So, what can I do for you?" He
Ludwig asks
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as he motions for the shorter male to follow him.
11 years ago
stays where he is, grinning. 'Maybe I will try chatting up Switzerland then. I've heard he's a bit of a challenge.' He brightens up at the prospect, if it's possible to be brighter. 'I thought we could go for a
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meeting. I have some stuff to talk to you about.'
11 years ago
glances at his watch for a second. "I don't see why not. I have time in my schedule." He says as he drops his folders neatly on his desk. "Did you have somewhere in mind or did you want to do it here?"
11 years ago
grins, 'We should go to the zoo mate, I heard you have baby Emus. They're cute little blighters.' He starts to physically drag German towards the exit, by the arm. 'I don't have any Euros though so you'll_
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have ta spot me.'
11 years ago
looks a little skeptical about that but he was never the one to say no to the zoo. He doesn't get much of a chance to decide as he's being dragged out of his office and towards the train. "Ah....ja, okay..." He
11 years ago
seems a little stunned by all this still.
11 years ago
replies with a rather elongated , 'Ja~' Of his own. 'So back to sounding Swiss. How would you say I should approach him... How do you woe a German nation off their feet?' Cause all you needed to do with the_
11 years ago
Romantics was make eyes at them...
11 years ago
can't help but be mildly amused by that question. "You want to swipe Vash off his feet? Are you sure about that?"
11 years ago
grins, 'Yeah. Life's been a little slow lately. Need a little challenge in my life.'
11 years ago
leads him to the train, buys them both a ticket, hands the ticket to William before heading to the platform. "I've never tried it myself but he's...." His lips thin. "I would assume conversing with him on a
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subject he likes would be a good start." He's not even sure he'd ever seen the Swiss in a romantic anything. "Don't touch Lili is another good one to remember."
11 years ago
nods, taking mental notes. 'So.... I should ask him about Cheese and Chocolate.' He thanks the German, bouncing on the balls of his feet as they wait for the train, 'And yeah... Maybe I should_
11 years ago
just not interact with her to begin with, huh?' He seems to be seriously considering this all.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
a little surprised that he is considering this and guides him onto the next train. "Maybe start with farming...or something of that sort."
11 years ago
hums, 'Maybe I can ask for his advice... since you know... most of my land is barren.' He rubs the side of his head, 'He would probably see through that though.' He follows the German, making sure to catch the_
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sights as they whisk through Berlin.
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leads them off when they arrive at the right spot and manages to get them through the crowd. "You'll have to be straight forward with him too. He may have a bit of french influence but...he's still quite
11 years ago
11 years ago
hums, glancing over. 'Maybe, once I feel like he's warmed up to me...' He goes a bit pale as he follows the German through the crowd, 'Say... he isn't like England when he likes someone, right?'
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that as he fishes in his pocket for his wallet. "I don't think so? Although, I'm not sure how England is when he likes someone."
11 years ago
looks around throwing a smile here and there to random German citizens. 'Does he get a bit huffy? And send off mix signals? And generally call them idiots? I think Japan calls it... 'Tsundere?'
11 years ago
had heard that term before especially when they were allied with Romano during WWII. "Ah, hmm...that's a good question. I would assume it would depend on the person he's attracted too....or rather interested
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods, looking rather serious about it all until he spots the Koala's. 'Ah. They're bloody cute'ins. I'm chuffed to bits you're looking after them well.' He's already in front of the enclosure, somehow.
11 years ago
's expression lightens up at the small bear as he stops just a few feet from William. "We do our best with the animals." He says as he watches a few of them climb a tree. "Where's yours?"
11 years ago
grins, 'He doesn't do too well at the zoo. The neighbours are keeping an eye on him.' He looks pleased at the size of the display, 'Seeing this, you just need to ask if you're after other animals you don't_
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have.' He pats the other on the back, 'I'll know they're going to a good home with you.'
11 years ago
nods in understanding before quirking a brow at the comment. "Well, there are many of my people that enjoy looking at animals found in other parts. It's cheaper than going to visit those countries." He smiles
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lightly. "I'm glad you think so."
11 years ago
blinks... 'Ahh, then maybe I shouldn't give you anymore. Your tourism is a pretty big chunk of that sector.' He steps back, 'So, what about those new Emu chicks, huh?'
11 years ago
laughs at that. "Well, it won't stop the very adventurous from going to your lands." He says with a smile. "They're very cute. Did you want to go see them? I may be able to get us a closer view."
11 years ago
hums, 'I'll think about it. You'll have to sweeten me up for any of the cool animals. I imagine that's why the adventurous come, after all?' He nods at the latter, looking pleased. 'If you don't mind pulling_
11 years ago
11 years ago
shakes his head. The workers at the zoo knew him quite well anyway. "Anyway, what was it you had to talk to me about?" He asks as he starts to lead them over to the emu's.
11 years ago
Follows him happily, looking this way and that. He laughs nervously at the question, rubbing the back of his head. 'my bosses wanted me to ask you about Nudist Beach Tourism...'
11 years ago
's brow twitches. "And what exactly did they want to know? I mean it does bring in a lot of tourists if my statistics are correct." He says as he leads him down a set of stairs and knocks on a door.
11 years ago
Laughs nervously at his reaction, 'Well, we an see the statistics... They're more asking if... If it's worth the hassle, and just how much hassle it could bring.' He shrugs, peeking over his shoulder curiously
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waits for someone to open the door and is pleased to see it's someone who recognizes him and their both ushered into the decently sized room. "As long as your laws can be adjusted to allow the nude beach it
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shouldn't be too much of a hassle. In this case you would just hope that people don't get ideas and tourists are respectful of the place and the people enjoying it. As long as there are lifeguards I usually
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find there isn't that much of an issue."
11 years ago
follows him in, arms going behind his back. His expression turns sly, 'You've personally experienced them, then?'
11 years ago
quirks a brow at William as they wait for the caretaker to get the baby emus. "If you mean me, as a person, then nein. But I have heard reported cases."
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looks a little disappointed. 'Really?' He was really a young bloke at heart still, and things such as Nudist Beachers amused him on some level. 'I was sure you would have.'
11 years ago
can't help the curve of his lips. "I think you forget that I'm also very intimidating." He offers as he hears the emu chicks being carried their way.
11 years ago
11 years ago
shrugs, 'You are?' He is quick to go see the Emu, cooing at the sight. 'Awwww, they're just tiny.'
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smiles when they are brought towards them and offered to each one of them. He takes one and gently pets its head with his finger. "Hmm, ja, or so I've been told."
11 years ago
pets the Emu chick, chuckling as it chirps. He offers his finger for the chick to play with, 'They obviously haven't met England when you make his tea wrong.'
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doesn't even want to imagine that. "Probably a good thing they haven't." He passes the emu chick back to the caretaker as he leans against a counter crossing his arms. "Did you want to go to one of my nude
11 years ago
11 years ago
hums, reluctantly handing the chick back. 'I dunno, depends on if you're gonna accompany me or not.' He wiggles a brow, 'You'd make it worthwhile.' He winks.
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flushes and clears his throat of the slight embarrassment. "We could arrange something."
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looks pleased at the reaction, 'Only if it wouldn't be a hassle, mate.' He pats the man on the back.
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straightens his back. "Not at all. when are you free?"
11 years ago
shrugs, 'Whenever you gather up your courage.' He is fairly easy about it... 'Although, it's a tad cold right now, no?'
Ludwig has
11 years ago
no shame of his nudity regardless of how he reacts. "It's been plus twenty the last few days. We could wait till June if that's any better."
William thinks
11 years ago
that's on the edge of a little too cold but... 'Well, how about you skip out on work and we go now?'
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
the opposite but they were both from different climates. "I can't skip out on work. You know that." Going to the beach wasn't a valid excuse unfortunately.
11 years ago
shrugs, 'You can. You just won't....' He compromises, 'Then how about I hang about and we go at the weekend?'
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heads towards the exit... They should go see other animals.
11 years ago
follows him and thinks that's a better idea. "I'm fine with that. I can get the guest room ready for you after work."
11 years ago
nods, 'Then I'll practice my German while you work.' He gives a small salute. He heads towards the colder animals, curious to see how they were coping with the weather.
Ludwig thinks
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they'll have to work on his pronunciation and enunciation much later on. He nods. "I should be done in a couple of hours. Should I look for you here?" He asks.
11 years ago
hums, '... Yeah. Probably. Just facebook me when you arrive.'
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a look but slowly begins to understand. "Ja, okay. I'll see you in two hours." He says before heading off to the exit and then to work.
William is
11 years ago
left to his own devices, although he soon finds a nice enough bloke to practice his German on and show him around the zoo.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
managed to make it to work and loses himself in paper work until his alarm on his phone rings to remind him of William. He sends off a quick message telling the Aussie to meet him at the front as he heads out
11 years ago
for the train.
11 years ago
blinks when his phone goes off, excusing himself from the man with an apologetic smile. He makes his way to the front gate, leaning against a wall to wait for Ludwig.
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isn't very long and spots William at the gate as he walks up to him. "Did you enjoy yourself?" He asks.
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nods, pushing himself off the wall. He gives a stretch as he replies, 'Yeah! Made a new friend too.'
11 years ago
isn't too surprised. "Do you mean one of the animals or a human?" He converses as he motions for the other to follow him back to the trains.
11 years ago
follows him easily, 'Ah, well I was holding one of your snakes, but I guess I was talking about the bloke that showed me about. Hansel.'
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leads them onto the train as he nods a bit at what's being said. "You managed to convince someone to show you around. I'm impressed. Although, Feliciano manages to do that too."
11 years ago
laughs, 'Maybe your people have a soft spot for them dim foreigners, huh?' He waits on the platform, stepping in when the door opens. 'I am sure you get the same treatment, no?'
11 years ago
chuckles at that. "It could be that and I guess if I were to ask someone for help it would be the same. However, not everywhere." He leads William of the train and towards a parking lot. He lived outside of
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the city.
11 years ago
doesn't seem to mind, hands slipping into his pockets as he follows the German. 'I would hope Aussies would look after you, at least.'
11 years ago
hasn't ventured to Australia too often due to work but he's never had a bad experience. "I don't think you have to worry about your people. They've always been helpful to my people." He says as he unlocks his
11 years ago
caar with the remote before sliding into the drivers seat.
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whistles at the car, impressed. 'Slick~ How much did it cost you?' He slips into the passenger side, hand running over the dash. 'A bomb, I'm guessing?'
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smirks. "Enough but it was definitely worth it." He says as he revs up the engine and shifts the gear to reverse before shifting again to hit the road. "She drives great too."
11 years ago
Settles back in his seat, doing up his seatbelt as they pull out onto the road. 'I can tell,' he replies. The suspension and response time seemed to be amazing. And it handled corners better than any of his_
11 years ago
Own muscle cars.
11 years ago
doesn't take too long to make it onto the Autobahn before he's speeding up and passing many cars. "Did you need anything before we get to my place. There aren't really any stores that close."
11 years ago
hums in thought, 'Maybe a clean pair of knickers and a toothbrush.'
11 years ago
nods as he takes a turn into a busier street and manages to find some parking in front of a small store. "They'll have what you need in here." He says conversationally as he unbuckles himself and gets out.
11 years ago
hops out, heading into the store. He spots the isle he needs, wandering towards the spot. he try and find his size.
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*He tries to find his size, struggling with the european sizes.
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had spotted a few things he actually needed before he makes his way to William. "Is everything alright?"
11 years ago
scratches the side of his head, looking a little bashful. 'I can't remember my european sizes.'
11 years ago
blinks at this before smiling lightly. He grabs one and passes it to William. "This one should fit."
11 years ago
laughs softly, cheeks tainted a faint pink. 'Thanks.' He heads to the checkout with his stuff, pulling out a credit card to pay. Hopefully the place took Mastercard.
11 years ago
doesn't think the other should worry, it does in fact take Mastercard. Ludwig grabs a few more things before heading to the checkout line.
William is
11 years ago
just bashful when it comes to such things. He pays for his stuff, waiting for Germany by the entrance.
11 years ago
gets through the line pays for his stuff and makes his way over to William. "Alright, let's go." He offers as he steps outside holding the door open for the other.
11 years ago
thanks him, stepping out and heading towards the car. He seems to have gotten over his earlier embarrassment. 'So, what have you been up to lately?'
11 years ago
unlocks the car and pops the trunk placing his stuff in the back. "Honestly, I've been working a lot. I've had the occasional hike or time to work on some of my projects but other than that I can't say I'm
11 years ago
living a very exciting life. What about you?"
11 years ago
hums, 'Pretty much the same. I occasionally escape Gillian's grip long enough to wander over here. What's your Chancellor like?'
11 years ago
11 years ago
sighs. "She's a slave driver at times..." He didn't want to admit it but it was true. She made him work so much.
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