William is
11 years ago
catching the rays somewhere in Europe. Winter was coming in Australia... and he didn't like that fact one bit.
latest #105
11 years ago
doubts his winter is half as bad as it could be.
11 years ago
doesn't like the idea of it getting colder though. It depresses him. He sighs, rolling over onto his stomach on the grass. 'G'day, old man.'
11 years ago
glances down at him before he moved to take a seat next to him, or close to him. "I'm not old."
11 years ago
smirks, rolling over so that his head is practically in England's lap. He grins up at him, 'I can see all the wrinkles from here. They have dust in them that's older than me.'
11 years ago
glares down at him and puts a hand over the others face. "Get your bloody head out of my lap."
11 years ago
licks his hand in response.
11 years ago
scrunches up his nose at that and pulls his hand away as if he'd been stung by a bee. "Child."
11 years ago
sticks out his tongue, 'Your Child.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that, "get yer' head off of me."
11 years ago
reaches up to pat his cheek. 'Why? It's comfortable.'
11 years ago
isn't sure why the other is being so friendly with him, in all honesty he wasn't used to this from the Australian.
William is
11 years ago
perhaps just a bit deprived of nation contact. He's also trying to elicit a reaction from the man. He stretches out, still looking up at the man. 'How's Retirement?'
11 years ago
stared at him before looking away. "You're being an idiot."
11 years ago
Shifts in his lap, aiming to get comfortable. 'I learned from the biggest idiot of us all.'
11 years ago
stared at him for a moment, "you must be talking about Greg."
11 years ago
Holds back a snort. 'Yeah, that's why I'm not a wet blanket like you.'
11 years ago
smacked him lightly on the top of the head. "I am not a wet blanket."
11 years ago
hums, giving the man a suspicious look. 'I dunno. Your weather would suggest otherwise.'
11 years ago
narrows his eyes at him a bit, "the weather is not my bloody fault."
11 years ago
fails to hold back a smile. 'I dunno old man. I have a sunny disposition and my country is pretty sunny.'
11 years ago
((England should pick up his head and then dump it on the ground. Australia is being a cheeky Bam.))
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at him and picks up his head, moving it out of his lap before he got up.
11 years ago
rolls over, soon pushing himself up to a standing position. 'I'm guessing you're mad.'
11 years ago
stares at him blankly, "no just annoyed. I wouldn't say I'm mad yet."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'You're more irritable lately.... not getting any?'
11 years ago
tucks his hands in his pockets. "That doesn't concern you."
11 years ago
shrugs, 'It kind of does. Since I was the one giving it to you not too long ago.'
11 years ago
looked away from him, slightly biting his lower lip.
11 years ago
uses the chance to slide up close to him, grinning from ear to ear. 'What's wrong?' he asks, trying to catch his gaze.
11 years ago
glances over at him only because he's suddenly very in his personal space. "Nothing is wrong William."
11 years ago
stays where he is, sighing. 'Alright. But if you need someone to listen, I can do it over a cuppa and some bikkies.'
11 years ago
watches him for a few seconds. "Tell my why it concerns you so much?"
11 years ago
straightens up, smiling. 'While you did it in a pretty crappy way, you opened my horizons up.' He shrugs, 'And maybe I worry about ya, a little.'
11 years ago
frowns at that, "well I can't apologize for that." He didn't say that he doubted the fact that William worried.
11 years ago
does worry. He reaches up to ruffle his hair, leaning in again. 'I think one of the best feelings you can get know-a-days is knowing that someone worries about you.' He lets his hand drop, 'Especially when is_
11 years ago
*everyone is all me me me.'
11 years ago
brushed the hand away a bit when the younger nation ruffled his hair. "Oh and here I thought you were just a horny teenager."
11 years ago
laughs, 'Well, I wouldn't say no.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at him, "no of course you wouldn't."
11 years ago
grins, finally stepping back to give him his space. 'Don't sound so disappointed.'
11 years ago
smiles back a bit at, amused now. "why would I be disappointed in the fact that would still be willing to sleep with me?"
11 years ago
looks surprised for a moment before he looks pleased. He had caused that smile, 'I dunno. Some blokes don't appreciate the significance that is a charming aussie bloke wanting to sleep with them.'
11 years ago
would never admit that he liked when the Australian visited. It would just go straight to the younger nations head. "I wouldn't quite call you charming William."
11 years ago
nods, looking rather serious. 'I'd settle for good looking.'
11 years ago
raises a brow at that and looks him over, "when you're not annoying me maybe."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, 'You thrive on your former colonies peeving you off.'
11 years ago
folds his arms over his chest. "That's far from true," he turned away from him with that and headed towards his house, he wanted tea now.
11 years ago
Follows, hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. 'Mine will be a milk and two sugars, please.'
11 years ago
waved his hand at him dismissively as he headed for his kitchen, putting the kettle on. "So I take it you have yet to find someone else to fuck?"
11 years ago
Shrugs, 'I had a brief thing with Turkey, and obviously some humans. But no nations.'
11 years ago
got out some scones he had just baked earlier and set them out. They were the good ones with raisins in them and everything.
11 years ago
Makes a small face at the black... Things. He sits as far away as possible from them, 'So... The Queen's not holding up, huh?
11 years ago
set the plate on the table before he got the sugar and milk out and set those out as well. "She's... she'll be fine."
William gives
11 years ago
him a sympathetic smile. 'She will. I'm pretty sure she's eager to outlive Prince Charles.... I would be, if I was her.'
11 years ago
nods as he took a seat after he'd pour the tea and passed William his tea. "Yeah, she's a tough one."
11 years ago
nods reassuringly. He thanks him for the tea, 'I warn ya though. When she does pass I think the people back home are gonna use it as an opportunity to become a Republic.'
11 years ago
raised a brow at that and lightly shook his head. "They can try, but I doubt that will happen."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'There are a lot of unhappy people back home that hate the fact the Queen is our figurehead.'
11 years ago
leaned back a bit in his seat as he made his tea. "Hmm... can't make everyone happy William."
11 years ago
hums, 'I try though. It's why Australian's were recently discovered to be the happiest people. Prosperity and all that.'
11 years ago
rolled his eyes a bit at that but nodded. "I see..." he took one of the scones and took a bite.
11 years ago
eyes them up but decides against it. 'It's just dumb luck though.'
11 years ago
thought they were really good. "Dumb luck?"
William thinks
11 years ago
he would, 'Yeah. That we somehow aren't in a constant state of recession like you guys. Instead we're growing.'
11 years ago
sighed into his cup of tea and looked away from him. "That is dumb luck."
11 years ago
uh huhs. 'Yep. Guess it helps that I'm fairly isolated from everyone else, huh?'
11 years ago
takes another bite of his scone. "Sure."
William will
11 years ago
let him have them all.
11 years ago
watched him for a bit, "are you staying over then?"
11 years ago
sips his tea, 'Do I get to order in, or cook?'
11 years ago
stared at him and then sighed. "You can cook, I'm not buying you anymore food."
11 years ago
smiles, 'Then I can stay.'
11 years ago
returns the smile and looks down at his cup. "I'll go make up the guest room then."
11 years ago
nods, 'I'll go look in the cupboard.' He picks up the cups, putting them in the sink. 'If you have the right stuff I could make a curry?'
11 years ago
got up and smoothed out his shirt and nodded, "yeah I should."
William gives
11 years ago
him a grin over his shoulder, 'Curry it is then.'
11 years ago
raised a brow at that before he headed up to the second level to clean and fix up the guest bedroom for the Australian.
William is
11 years ago
just being sociable. He must be getting suspicious in his old age. He hums as he starts cooking, looking around for a radio after a few moments
11 years ago
took his time making the bed before he went back down stairs and turned on the telly.
11 years ago
turns quiet when he hears the telly, deciding to half listen as he cooks. When the curry is set to simmer he joins Arthur on the couch.
11 years ago
glanced over at him when he was joined, his shifted a bit to get more comfortable. "Thanks for cooking."
11 years ago
shrugs, 'No need to mention it.' He makes himself comfortable, checking the time before his attention turns to the TV. 'Should be done in an hour.'
11 years ago
nods a bit at that, "time for an episode of Doctor Who then."
11 years ago
makes a bit of a face. 'Why not ripper street instead?'
11 years ago
frowned a bit, He kinda wanted to catch up on Doctor Who, he was two episodes behind still. "Fine."
11 years ago
Frowns at the frown, 'Alright.... Dr. Who. But it's your fault if I'm spoilt beyond repair.'
11 years ago
raised a brow at him, "oh? how is that my fault?"
11 years ago
Shrugs, 'Because I've fallen behind since the Christmas Special.'
11 years ago
looks a bit shocked at that bit nods. "That's the last one I watched."
11 years ago
(Uh.. pretend that's Arthur)
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Really? That's unlike you.'
11 years ago
shrugs as he settled in to watch the show. "I have been busy."
11 years ago
gets himself comfortable, spreading out on his half of the couch. 'So you say.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes a bit as he watched the show.
11 years ago
keeps an eye on the time, huffing and hawing at the various shenanigans.
11 years ago
couldn't help but glance over at him during the commercial breaks.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Anything wrong?'
11 years ago
shakes his head and focuses on the show again. "Nothing."
11 years ago
nudges him with his foot, 'Do you want me to shut up?'
11 years ago
((Are they watching on the BBC? ))
11 years ago
(( Uh yeah))
11 years ago
(( Not wanting to be picky but the BBC doesn't have adverts. Future Reference? ))
11 years ago
((Oh dear, kay well we'll say it's a recording off another channel and you lucky bums.))
11 years ago
((Your turn))
11 years ago
starts a bit at the nudge and shakes his head. "No it's fine," he really wasn't bothered by it. He was actually enjoying the company.
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