12 years ago
[cw: animal abuse] Replurk/spread the word if you can!
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illin' klorvus
12 years ago
this shit is bananas :| really people.
12 years ago
i keep people saying this was meant to be a hoax but i don't think they realize that people will see this and actually do this shit.
12 years ago
i keep seeing people say*
12 years ago
what the fuck world
illin' klorvus
12 years ago
shisno: as far as i can tell, that's coming from one article that was misinterpreted, because it's an article in a local paper saying "this
illin' klorvus
12 years ago
isn't our city councilman, it's someone else"
illin' klorvus
12 years ago
but i keep seeing people linking that and saying IT'S A HOAX
12 years ago
i dont see what about it is a hoax either way. it's a horrible message that's gone out there and it's not like there's a part of it
12 years ago
dissuading people from violence.
12 years ago
as if saying IT'S A HOAX will get the idea out of people's heads
hexed bear
12 years ago
Yeah, there will definitely be people who will do this
hexed bear
12 years ago
because there are fucking awful people out there
12 years ago
what the fuck
12 years ago
I always keep my pets inside on Halloween anyway because people are fuckheads who will hurt them.
tsuchinoko real
12 years ago
"their owners like to brag about their high threshold for pain" D:
tsuchinoko real
12 years ago
all the pitbull owners I know like to brag about what cuddly lovable sweethearts they are
tsuchinoko real
12 years ago
this makes me incredibly sad
...what the hell, people. 8|
12 years ago
I like how its assumed that no other breed of dog will turn vicious if you mistreat it. Just pitbulls, apparently. Idiots.
12 years ago
I read somewhere that Dalmations have a far higher likelihood to attack people than a pitbull does.
what the fuck
what kind of a monster would even do that
Pitbulls are bred for fighting but this remains fucking ridiculous.
12 years ago
See, there's one problem with that
12 years ago
if anyone tried to hit my dog, I would take their bat and beat THEM with it D:<
My baby is staying inside on Halloween. God knows someone'll hurt him because he looks like a German Shepherd.
12 years ago
and my neighbors would probably join in because roughly 70% of my neighborhood has dogs
12 years ago
I have a black cat. I've always had to keep her inside around halloween, but this is fucking ridiculous.
12 years ago
yeah i always kept my animals inside on Halloween
12 years ago
people will take any excuse to be assholes
12 years ago
I have black cats, I do too.
12 years ago
What a horrible person D8! This is complete animal cruelty!
12 years ago
....cuddles her sisters black cat :<
12 years ago
Ugh. People do enough terrible things to animals on Halloween without crap like this being brought into the mix.
12 years ago
Sometimes people just need to be beaten.
12 years ago
What the fuck this is really disgusting
12 years ago
Guh, humanity makes me sick sometimes. Seriously? Who the fuck thinks to write something like this for any reason? B|
12 years ago
This is disgusting.
12 years ago
welp, my dogs are staying in. they'd get hit because they're huskies and would look kind of like wolves at night
...right. babysitting the stray boxer that lives somewhere on my street that night. unbelievable.
12 years ago
D: D: D: D:
12 years ago
I'll want to let my brother and his wife know to keep their puppies safe. No danger of being mistaken, but there's no telling
12 years ago
what people will do when riled up.
Lynx and Paint
12 years ago
Sorry, but this smells a loooot like urban legend to me.
Lynx and Paint
12 years ago
Like a mix between the "gang initiation" and "kill cats on Halloween" legends.
12 years ago
It likely is one
12 years ago
OTOH - I'm not one to trust idiots in large numbers
last looks!
12 years ago
how about national beat an animal abusing asshole day. i'm gonna push for that.
12 years ago
I have not seen this spread by one person in favor of it, ftr, but by dozens opposed. So.... which side is getting the idea out there?
12 years ago
Also I have to wonder how they would pull this off since I don't think anyone would let this happen? No, pitbulls aren't regarded well but
12 years ago
Should this spread around fast enough, I imagine enough people are going to, rather than try to kill the dogs, protect them.
12 years ago
Tell animal control or police officers or idk.
12 years ago
Maybe I'm being too optimistic but no matter the breed, any sort of call for animal cruelty like this is never taken well.
12 years ago
12 years ago
I was told, but an Animal Control officer, that in 20 years working for AC, he had been bitten by 3 dogs.
12 years ago
A German Sheppard, and two dachshunds.
12 years ago
In 20 years... never once a pit.
12 years ago
My family has a lot of little dogs and I get nipped by THEM more often then than rotties.
12 years ago
I know some of it is because I'm nervous around the little dogs but it's BECAUSE they are allowed to be aggressive.
i don't have dogs but i think rottweilers are adorable ;3;
12 years ago
I don't honestly give any fucks whether the notice was a joke or not. It's still disgusting and the people should be utterly ashamed of
12 years ago
12 years ago
they should feel how much it hurts to be hit by those things rather than say 'do it to the dogs'
12 years ago
what the fuck have dogs ever done to them that warranted something like this
12 years ago
If I dare catch anyone Halloween night trying to hit or torture a dog, there will be hell to pay.
12 years ago
... The fuck.
who the fuck would participate in that
I can't with this fucking world anymore I'm sorry
If anyone tried to hurt my dog, I'd kick their asses.
Sorry, just happened to be walking with a baseball bat~
12 years ago
Don't they realize that dogs can't protect themselves very well against baseball bats and the like
12 years ago
fucking monsters
12 years ago
My cat wasn't black, and he was even an inside house cat, but on Halloween we always locked him in the garage
12 years ago
(Our garage being converted into another room in our house, it doesn't open)
12 years ago
We didn't want any accident of him slipping out :|
12 years ago
Our other one, luckily, was a pretty smart cookie when it came to staying in safe areas
Yeah, we hid our cats, too
12 years ago
I think laws need to change about animal abuse. They need to be treated as a little more than just property
er, in my last neighboorhood
where i grew up everyone had cats in that neighborhood
12 years ago
Especially animals with such complex brains
12 years ago
animal abuse needs to be like child or elderly abuse.
if someone caught anyone trying to hurt an animal, they'd have an entire group of people to deal with
12 years ago
because a lot of animals are fairly helpless against dickheads
12 years ago
if they don't just run at the sight of someone
12 years ago
It needs to be fairly clear, because I don't think it's wrong for us to say, eat animals.
12 years ago
But to abuse or make them suffer? It's unnecessary
12 years ago
by that I mean I feel it needs to be prosecuted in the same way
12 years ago
well I don't think eating an already dead animal is animal abuse
12 years ago
that's nonsensical. also game is different
12 years ago
how about we make it kill a fucking dumbass day
12 years ago
why are people like this oh my godlakjsg
12 years ago
You know, I've always wondered, but I have an aunt who probably wouldn't be far off and it's just nuts
12 years ago
She has a little dog that she treats like her grandchild
12 years ago
But her cat? She treats it like Satan-spawn
angry violins☄
12 years ago
... this is disgusting. Definitely going to talk to my parents about keeping the dogs in the garage thix Halloween.
12 years ago
And let me tell you, there is something majorly wrong with that woman :|
12 years ago
this was fake guys
Yon Fellow
12 years ago
... Yeah this is why we never let our (Black or mostly black) cats outside on Halloween.
12 years ago
they wrote an article about it
Yon Fellow
12 years ago
It may be fake, but the black cats one isn't. Just saying.
Maraich thinks
12 years ago
the way you teach kids to treat animals plays a big factor in what kind of person they become
12 years ago
geekyshoelaces: fake or not, some people will take it seriously
12 years ago
people do not seem to comprehend this
12 years ago
there are people who abuse animals on Halloween. Some people will see it, ignore the point of the article and go "WELL GUYS GET
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
I know but people spreading this around? only adds fuel to the flame.
12 years ago
my dog's a pitbull
12 years ago
so I absolutely do care but it makes me nervous to see this everywhere and spread around so much
12 years ago
even if it's well intended
12 years ago
the thing is though, there's a chance the article will spread across the US faster than we can notify people about it.
12 years ago
there's a chance that it won't but are we willing to take the chance for animal abuse to happen
12 years ago
the story came out a few weeks ago and people keep bringing up over and over instead of just letting it disappear like it needs to
I don't care if it's fake, who would even write something like this?
12 years ago
Jesus Christ. Well my pit is staying inside for a couple months now.
disgusting, hoax or not
12 years ago
You have got to be scum of the earth if you're okay with killing these dogs.
12 years ago
I feel disgusted just reading this. Here's hoping people keep their dogs safe this Halloween.
Chrom ♛
12 years ago
this is fake. it's not funny nor does it prevent some idiots from probably doing something because they're assholes, so be wary
Chrom ♛
12 years ago
but in the end it is a facebook fake and that isn't something widely recognized as true. plus if it was, they would be getting inot
Chrom ♛
12 years ago
a lot of fucking trouble with the authorities, especially on a night like halloween where cops are extra wary
12 years ago
you know, I hear so much about the bad reputation of pit bulls. but every pit bull I have actually met was a flawless sweetie.
12 years ago
okay so i was curious about this original post
12 years ago
i quote searched it on google and used the image searching thing too
12 years ago
the only site i found it on was tumblr, i'm thinking it was just done to rile people up because i haven't seen it anywhere else
12 years ago
all just wonderful dogs SO HAPPY to make a new frand!!!
12 years ago
so thankfully it's probably not real
Chrom ♛
12 years ago
yeah it would be stupid to go out and kill a person's pet on the night that ENTIRE COMMUNITIES OF PEOPLE ARE OUT LATE
Chrom ♛
12 years ago
it's definitely NOT real, and i wish people would stop freaking out about it
Chrom ♛
12 years ago
like it's cruel and gross but it's fake
12 years ago
it's probably fake but there will be nutjobs that see it and believe it
12 years ago
yes, which is why nobody should be replurking it and spreading it around
12 years ago
as a 'warning' it's redundant and useless because anyone with a pet who cares about them knows to keep them inside on Halloween anyway.
12 years ago
The thing is, not all people think about it--lose track of the day and what not. Hoax or not, it's already spread so far (news outlets are
12 years ago
commenting on it), that a reminder of pet safety is at least relevant, though this particular iimage is not the best.
12 years ago
The fact that it's a complete hoax doesn't mean it's not going to give assholes ideas if they see it.
12 years ago
Which means that it doesn't really matter whether people inclined to be utter bastards are spreading this around as an actual game plan.
12 years ago
It can so easily become an inspiration for assholes if they just happen to see it.
12 years ago
So it's best to simply not take chances on having your pet run across someone who saw this and decided it was a good idea.
12 years ago
(Disturbing content in next sentence, skip over it if you're really tender-hearted/don't have a strong stomach/possess faith in humanity)
12 years ago
I saw a news story once about people who roasted a live kitten on a grill. Do not assume that no one could be that utterly despicable.
12 years ago
(Same warnings as above)
12 years ago
...great. now I'm going to spend my Halloween worrying myself sick.
12 years ago
There was a kid in Texas recently that beat two puppies to death and took pictures--all because they were barking everyday.
12 years ago
Even though my dog is a chiweenie
12 years ago
I'm at college and 4 hours away from her so I will be paranoid until the holiday is over.
12 years ago
She should be fine, my parents don't do anything for Halloween and our street doesn't see many trick or treaters or anything, so
12 years ago
she'd only even be outside (while supervised and on a leash) to go to the bathroom, but. Yeah. I hate people.
12 years ago
Also thank god my cats are all indoor cats. Two out of four are black cats, so.
12 years ago
it's okay to say that it was fake and an article was made out of it. it is NOT okay to say that because of this people should let it go
12 years ago
as if nothing will come of it
12 years ago
because something WILL come of it
12 years ago
some asshole will read this and either take it seriously or give no fucks and actually do it anyway
12 years ago
Exactly. I was noting the article specifically to note that so many people are going to be exposed to it that you have to figure some
12 years ago
asshole will give no fucks and do it.
ναℓєяу says
12 years ago
can I feed him one of those hotdogs :/
12 years ago
please do
Take on Mint
12 years ago
No. No. God I hate people sometimes.
TheApostate ™
12 years ago
:-o /hides Rusty
Take on Mint
12 years ago
I'll let my brother know to walk the dogs early that day, even if they aren't pitbulls
12 years ago
fuckin' sick..
Wonderful Leaf
12 years ago
"They can take it" - UGH, you jerks. I'd like someone to feed this guy a poisoned hotdog and go "No, hey, YOU CAN TAKE IT"
TheApostate ™
12 years ago
I vote that if we see it, we join take the bats/etc to their FACES. Let's see if they can take it!
TheApostate ™
12 years ago
(The peoples faces that is)
What the fuck, seriously?Animal abuse is never ok!
what's the benefits for doing that?
Nin is tired
12 years ago
sherry84922: they are acknowledged as complete cocks and get a trophy for being huge douches? idk, their minds bewilder me
why pitbulls?
any dog can bite when mistreated
and any can injure their owners out of excitement
I can't tell how many times my dog almost disembowled me when he got excited and jumped on me
Nin is tired
12 years ago
i think cuz pitbulls have that stigma of being "violent dogs" and maybe cuz that dude's just biased against them?
(we never declawed him and his claws grow fast)
I see
nice dynamite
12 years ago
This is definitely a hoax, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS exercise extra caution with pets around Halloween
Halloween is the new Carnivale
it's a time for silly costumes and throwing normal societal rules out the window
and those sorts of events always lead to pranks
some of them cruel
nice dynamite
12 years ago
A neighbor I had growing up had two of her three black cats beaten and left to die on her front lawn one Halloween
oh man, that's horrible
she able to save them?
nice dynamite
12 years ago
she saved one!
nice dynamite
12 years ago
the other the vet was pretty sure died within an hour of being left
nice dynamite
12 years ago
at least it didn't suffer as long as the other one :-( who i believe was permanently blinded in one eye?
I see
that's certainly cruel
nice dynamite
12 years ago
that was like, almost 20 years ago, so i don't remember specifics TOO well
I think some of it is people getting "drunk" off of the atmosphere
because Halloween night is usually perceived as the night when you can do anything
so you get wild parties and funky costumes, but also destruction
12 years ago
.... what the actual fuck.
papermint tiger
12 years ago
...oh god
papermint tiger
12 years ago
even if this is a 'hoax' there are plenty of assholes who will do this
papermint tiger
12 years ago
but yeah, black cats have always been in danger on Halloween
papermint tiger
12 years ago
i used to own a dark grey kitty, and she was an inside kitty but i was always paranoid that she'd get out on that day
12 years ago
D: D:
what areas do we need to pay more attention? and so, where? crazy!
HotFudge says
12 years ago
seen this in facebook. I hope people do not try to kill any dog this halloween but I have been warning people to keep their dogs safe.
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