5Friends 0Fans
female Dayton, OH, United States
I am 38 years old and I live at home with my mom. I am currently looking for a job but in the mean time I am helping my mom, volunteering at Sicsa and going to school.
Bert the Cat vs Cat Balloon
HotFudge is
11 years ago
looking forward to class on thursday. already missed two days due to school closing for weather.
HotFudge is
11 years ago
This is a weird thought I wonder what it would be like if Sesshomaru met Colonel William Tavington from "The Patriot"
HotFudge is
11 years ago
saw the hobbit. can't wait to see the second movie.
HotFudge is
11 years ago 2
anyone seen The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey? Is it worth watching?
HotFudge is
11 years ago
happy birthday silver
HotFudge is
12 years ago
hotfudge is a hikikomori. You're crying yourself to sleep. PERFECT END.
HotFudge is
12 years ago
hotfudge is in a harem seinen manga.
HotFudge is
12 years ago 13
It's so nice to just listen to music. playing my some on my mp3 player and running down the battery LOL
HotFudge is
12 years ago
Happy New Years all
HotFudge is
12 years ago
Hello everyone. Classes are over for now and I am dealing with upper respiratory crap but I am fine. Sorry for being gone for so long.