Lynx and Paint
82Friends 93Fans
female Canada
Call me Lynx! Welcome to my plurk, where I chat with old friends. Storyboard artist for work | Sequential artist for fun | Aroace | Any pronouns. I also draw a lot of comics.
Lynx and Paint
3 hours ago 2
Agggh I'm at the stage of a comic where I can see the end in sight so I just want to lock in and only do that until it's done
Karma plurk just to pop in because I did a friendsgiving potluck with friends and OMG the food was honestly amazing
Lynx and Paint
2 days ago
Going to try and do an art stream this morning!LynxGriffin - Twitch
Lynx and Paint
3 days ago
FPFN time! Going to explore more in Outer Wilds and probably crash my ship a bunch!LynxGriffin - Twitch
Lynx and Paint
4 days ago 16
Happy American Thanksgiving folks! I hope that you get good food and absolutely no terrible conversations
Lynx and Paint
5 days ago 10
Today I was hatching the only two 10K eggs from the last event, so I was like "oh crud if one of these isn't a Toxel, I probably won't get one for awhile"
Lynx and Paint
6 days ago 1
New part today! Anthrofractal
Lynx and Paint
1 weeks ago 3
Not appreciating the fact that it seems like that vague-feeling-of-becoming-sick has come back!!
Lynx and Paint
1 weeks ago
For the first time in the longest of times, I'm doing an art stream, yaaay! Just a short morning one!LynxGriffin - Twitch
Lynx and Paint
1 weeks ago 6
Since I was in power outage exile all day today, I spent most of that getting some shopping done, but also catching Pokemon for the event