Nin is Tired
55Friends 10Fans
female Los Angeles, CA, United States
I'm unsure why I'm on this, but I know my priorities in life are probably way off. SIGH. (Icon art from "Touhou Shinigami - Meteor Methuselah Gaiden" and I have no idea where the background art came from, oops)
Nin is Tired
2 weeks ago 18 @Edit 2 weeks ago
[Katsucon pics (at the bottom) and thoughts] Tl;dr My friends love it but it's not my cup of tea!
Nin is Tired
3 weeks ago 4
it's been a very stressful and eventful past few days and this con is still not over, but i'm still alive (for now)
Nin is Tired
1 months ago 39
[us politics] sure don't know what to say to kids who come up to me asking if there's gonna be a war and if they'll have to move or if they'll die. sure don't wanna panic them but also don't wanna straight up LIE to them and say that nothing will change and everything will be all right. sure am not happy that kids hafta worry about this at their age.
Nin is Tired
1 months ago 4
Nin is Tired
1 months ago 4
ten has shown me the horrors that is enstars and i no longer feel safe
Nin is Tired
1 months ago 51
ALA: Long story short, I had a grand old time at Friend Con and this is my favorite cosplay pic
Nin is Tired
2 months ago 27 @Edit 2 months ago
Santa Ana winds really going hard today, wow

edit: here in socal, we don't get snow days, we get wind days

edit, the sequel: ... so we may need to evacuate the house
Nin is Tired
2 months ago 6
Past me, looking at my half-used open dated school planner/agenda: Eh, I don't foresee myself needing this. Plus, it's already been 2 years. I'll just throw it away!

Current me, 6 months later, about to start a 3 month substitute job: Past me, you fool. You buffoon. You absolute nincompoop of a human being. This exact scenario is why we HOARD SHIT!!!!
Nin is Tired
2 months ago 3
Happy new year~
Nin is Tired
2 months ago 3 @Edit 2 months ago
Happy holidays, everyone, have me bribing my dog with an egg tart to wear a Christmas headband :-Db