220Friends 3Fans
Anacortes, WA, United States
Usually known as Hats

Currently active:
Taylor Hebert (Skitter) (cw: bugs always)
Samwise Gamgee

Peter [The Lost Boy]
Sypha Belnades [Castlevania]
Jonathan Sims [TMA}
Some the Grue [OC]

The html for quick-cuts is <details><su
21 hours ago 15
Character Heights and Voices
[DS9] Inquisition and In the Pale Moonlight being back to back episodes is wildly funny.
Taylor will be on shopping duty, and will be happy to take Angel with. But she also has to see as many acts as possible with Ulla.
6 days ago 8
I have spent all day preparing to entertain and then entertaining and now I am in my basement trying to remember how to be a person again.
1 weeks ago 5
[Crafts] Roomie did an edible and decided she really wants me to make her a quilt, and the one we planned out has me googling when the entry deadline for the state fair quilt show is.
1 weeks ago 5 @Edit 1 weeks ago
Very belatedly, Taylor's talent show performance is up.
1 weeks ago 7
I go back to work on Friday!!!
1 weeks ago 1
Sam at the talent show.
2 weeks ago 1
[Glass Scientist] Spoilers