Zigzag Stampede
146Friends 46Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
Vash (Trigun) @ Drift Fleet/Duplicity/Luceti
Tim (MAG) @ Duplicity
Manji (BotI) @ Drift Fleet
Coran (Voltron) @ Empatheias

Please note; I am dyslexic and my spelling here is terrible. Background Source
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago 4
Some idiot was so stressed last night and could not sleep. I'm so tired.
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago 2
Manager: Hey ZZ, a coworker sent me an email. What does it mean?
Me: What email?
Manger: The one coworker sent.
Me: Yes, but I didn't send the email and don't know what it said?
Manger: Never mind, I'll ask coworker.
Me: Good plan.
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago 9
https://images.plurk.com/3TmBYyrMFRkjHgDptU7U9y.jpg Sleepy baby with her eggy
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago 30
[Spa Day] I think I showed incredible restraint of not putting my original answer of: "to not be on fire" to question 17 https://images.plurk.com/3406qxA2mWzjB1RkMcZb5n.jpg
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago 7
Someone animated the Legato and Vash fight from the manga AND IT'S AWESOMEこうへい (@seitekisyoudou) on XGo watch it!
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago 15
What I find intriguing about people who can't use computers is how they find everything super easy if they tell you to do it, but super hard if it's something need to do.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 18
Manager: ZZ, find why this incorrect thing is happening. I think your recent upload broke something.
Me: Found the problem. It's related to something done in 2020. (Three years before I started at the company)
Them: It must have been you. We never would have done things this way back then.
Me: It has your signature on it.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 2
Last night I woke up about 4-5 times. Every time I was in the middle of making a noise in a dream. I have no idea if all the noise was in the dream or if I was actually making noises all night long.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 6
Replurk of Vash the Stampede and Tim Stoker on the Dom/Sub finder!
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 94
[Interview]/ I have a job interview tomorrow for a company that's going to pay 20% more than I'm getting now, but I'm so nervous I won't like the job.