Zigzag Stampede
146Friends 49Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
Vash (Trigun) @ Drift Fleet/Duplicity/Luceti
Tim (MAG) @ Duplicity
Manji (BotI) @ Drift Fleet
Coran (Voltron) @ Empatheias

Please note; I am dyslexic and my spelling here is terrible. Background Source
Zigzag Stampede
7 hours ago 21 @Edit 7 hours ago
We're a thriving fandom right now. New update on the Wolfwood figure has just been releasedコトブキヤ宣伝 (@kotobukiyas) on X
Zigzag Stampede
23 hours ago 40
Betrayal captured in a series of photos
https://images.plurk.com/77X6HE6ysCr4wSjSMGPIVi.jpg You know, I thought it was his coat at first... But I don't think it is. I think those are scars on his back.
Today's tech problem I solved - I pressed the power button on the computer to turn it on (rock)
Hey, guess what? It's cluelessnu 's birthday. So you should all go spam her with Tim Drake art or something.
Zigzag Stampede
4 days ago 2
I'm a bit behind on tags so I probably won't be doing the CR meme. BUT GET READY FOR TIM AND VASH TAGS!
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago 2
Me every time someone comes to me with a problem today AND me considering the lunch I packed today. https://images.plurk.com/3FL4c9ohPOSaOQmiVzQJMv.jpg
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago 3 @Edit 1 weeks ago
Replurk of my open posts!
1. Open event post up for Tim Stoker!
2. An open post for Vash in the riot!
3. Tim's network post announcing that Sasha is gone.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago 4
The Chugai Grace Cafe is doing another Trigun event! https://images.plurk.com/5gi7PuDP4uVscUb1N4hmFo.jpg https://images.plurk.com/79B5kjeMkPb2JhMfj89UTU.jpg
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago 21
Berna helping me figure out which one I want to keep and which I want to sell. https://images.plurk.com/6L5y7GAVWZKJUGODx0SeO6.jpg