Zigzag Stampede
146Friends 46Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
Vash (Trigun) @ Drift Fleet/Duplicity/Luceti
Tim (MAG) @ Duplicity
Manji (BotI) @ Drift Fleet
Coran (Voltron) @ Empatheias

Please note; I am dyslexic and my spelling here is terrible. Background Source
Zigzag Stampede
12 hours ago 5
Tim Stoker and Vash the Stampede on the texting meme! I'm actually proud of some of these
Zigzag Stampede
15 hours ago 16
Officially put in my two weeks notice today. It feels so unreal and bittersweet.
[Conventions] Found the best thing at AVCon. https://images.plurk.com/5QxmgQuINPaviSWAeg8n34.jpg
[RP]/ No tags probably tonight. I've stressed myself out so much I've made myself physically ill.
Zigzag Stampede
6 days ago 2 @Edit 6 days ago
Vash & Tim Stoker event plotting post. Decided to do them both together.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago 81
[RP] Sorry for the lack of tags lately. The stress of picking my new job has got me all: Brrzztz that it's a bit hard to be creative right now. Hopefully after this week things will be more settled again.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago 10
[Dungeon Meshi]/[Dreams] Last night dreamed that Senshi found a key to our house and kept letting himself in to cook for us. Awesome.

Then he kept giving copies of the key away to other people. Less awesome.
Me an ace person: I don't get it when people call anime boys hot.
Me a Trigun fan:チタエクストラバガンザ🍩🐺 (@tinetittaa0415) on XOr maybe I do...
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago 33
/ Sorry for the lack of tags. I have 3 interviews over the next two days and I've been trying to do research on all the businesses.