Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
Manager: ZZ, find why this incorrect thing is happening. I think your recent upload broke something.
Me: Found the problem. It's related to something done in 2020. (Three years before I started at the company)
Them: It must have been you. We never would have done things this way back then.
Me: It has your signature on it.
latest #18
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
Them: You know that signature can't be trusted. Anyway, who did it isn't important. Please just fix it.

Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
At least she said please at the end.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
Funny how she stopped caring who did the thing when it's between her and someone who has left.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
She's still better than my last manager, but I hate stuff like this.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
She also thanked me for quickly resolving the issue. Something my last manager also would never have done.
papermint tiger
3 weeks ago
....yeah that sounds really annoying
papermint tiger
3 weeks ago
If she hadn't started off trying to blame you and just asking you to find the issue that would be one thing
papermint tiger
3 weeks ago
But the doubling down is super rich
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
I can see WHY she would thought it was maybe me. It's to do with pricing, but the order was automatically adding an extra feature I have never before touched that was changing the price.
papermint tiger
3 weeks ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
But my initial response of: I've never seen this thing before and no one has ever mentioned it to me before - I need to try to google some things (because no one has been trained on how to use our database we often google things) was not good enough.
papermint tiger
3 weeks ago
And they didn't notice until now, eesh
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
I didn't mind the blame at first but my office bullshit meter sky-rocketed when she replied with: no, this is obviously a pricing issue. So, you must have done something wrong.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
They didn't notice because it's an old customer ordering a rare item for the first time since 2020
3 weeks ago
It doesn't help that this is becoming something of a habit lately.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago
Yeah, it didn't use to be like this here
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