Zigzag Stampede
146Friends 46Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
Vash (Trigun) @ Drift Fleet/Duplicity/Luceti
Tim (MAG) @ Duplicity
Manji (BotI) @ Drift Fleet
Coran (Voltron) @ Empatheias

Please note; I am dyslexic and my spelling here is terrible. Background Source
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 4
Vash the Stampede and Tim Stoker on the Dom/Sub finder! And it's a public holiday which means I'm actually around to tag when people are awake!
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 13
Berna losing to a plastic eggBerna VS Plastic Egg
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 4
That picking up a JRPG style game after a long break and not remembering what you were doing feeling.
Zigzag Stampede
3 weeks ago 43
Vash has been naughty.
Zigzag Stampede
4 weeks ago 5
[Hazbin Hotel] I'm tired and going to bed, but I leave you this image.Comet (@CometsNix) on X
Zigzag Stampede
4 weeks ago 12 @Edit 4 weeks ago
Postal Service Your boys will be delivered today: https://images.plurk.com/51BcOfmYpHT2NW49GnD8Kq.jpg
Me: YAY!! It's a long weekend! Extra time to play with them!
Postal Service: HAHA, did we say today? We mean we won't knock and leave a sorry we missed you card!
Zigzag Stampede
4 weeks ago 31
I don't want to focus on work. Plot with me for June. Either PSL/Dupe stuff! Come play with the boys!
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago 11
Replurk that Vash's event post and Tim Stoker's event post are still up! Always excited for more tags!
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago 9
Dreaming it's Friday and waking up to Wednesday is beyond cruel.
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago 10
/ [CW: Vaccination / Covid] It's another reminder why I like taking my lunch outside usually. Had to deal with an anti-vacer while also trying to escalate things with my landlord.