Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
Dreaming it's Friday and waking up to Wednesday is beyond cruel.
latest #9
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
My subconscious is a bully.
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
I was dreaming I was done with work and shopping too. Just found a shop with Trigun stuff. It wasn't fair to wake up.
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
Also had a dream I was in NYC running around without shoes on. Dodging puddles, trash, and broken glass like a pro. All because I was too lazy to sit and put shoes on.
horny on main.
1 months ago
that’s torture. very rude, brain.
the fact that it's not Friday today is actually a crime and you should talk to the manager
you're not wrong, time is.
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
Yeah! I'm going to take this all the way to the top!!!!
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
I did it again! My body is ready for Friday, but it is still not Friday
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