Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
/ [CW: Vaccination / Covid] It's another reminder why I like taking my lunch outside usually. Had to deal with an anti-vacer while also trying to escalate things with my landlord.
latest #10
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
Just... Fucking go die if you're that proud of not getting vaccinated
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
Get sick and die. I don't care anymore.
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
(this is literally just about people who are proud of not vaccinating because of dumb reasons. Not against people who can't or have good reasons)
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
This ass wipe doesn't think Covid was that big of a deal. May he enjoy struggling to breath one day.
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
Just leave me alone when you see me on my phone and I tell you I'm busy and don't want to discuss this topic
1 months ago
Seriously, someone is ON THE PHONE, leave them the fuck alone
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago
Well, I was texting at that point instead of having it to my ear, but still. I was very much glued to it with my lunch in front of me
Zigzag Stampede
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
And a: I'm dealing with something right now, I don't want to talk about this. Is not an invitation to go on about how you just think people are just scared of a 'little cold' that killed millions
papermint tiger
1 months ago
You are absolutely the wrong audience for this kind of nonsense
Why are people.
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