now more queer!
8Friends 0Fans
female Gainesville, FL, United States
now more queer!
8 years ago 29
So, I tweeted about the President's essay on being a feminist and what would you know, a troll popped up.
now more queer!
8 years ago 3
Roommate Von Dumbass is staying until December now. Sighs.
now more queer!
8 years ago 1
when your professor is either great at passive-aggressive or is oblivious to your attempts to make a satire of her blah speech requirements
now more queer!
8 years ago 13
hooray for doctor appointments [no]. at least I have therapy right after.
now more queer!
8 years ago 27
So, we were given an assignment for public speaking: one thing we would change about the world and why. There were a bunch of serious and well-thought out topics. I chose dragons.
now more queer!
8 years ago 25
[alcohol, brains, anxiety]
now more queer!
8 years ago 7
[meme] Ryan has joined the party! Which RPG class am I?
now more queer!
8 years ago 6
[meme] legit curious/wanting to get back into writing muse SOOOO name a canon and I'll say who I'd RP
now more queer!
8 years ago 6
[meme] what am I your source of information for?
now more queer!
9 years ago 3
[meme] my favorite ship dynamics?