Central Library
15Friends 12Fans
Houston, TX, United States
Welcome to the Central Library information center. Please clarify which librarian you wish to speak to, otherwise, all questions will be handled by the Head Librarian.
the_central_library | Recent Entries
Central Library
7 years ago 21
The current app cycle will end on 2/1/2017
Central Library
7 years ago
Applications have been read and reviewed. Remember that apps will be open until the end of January. Reserves will be open until that date.
Central Library
7 years ago 11
All apps that have been submitted as of 1/18/17 have been reviewed.
Central Library
7 years ago 1
A reminder regarding apps. Please make sure that your application has the minimum 400 words for the personality section. Personality cannot be linked to a wiki article.
Central Library
7 years ago 14
Applications will be open until the end of the month of January.
Update on apps and the revised forms (the new powers section)
Central Library
7 years ago 71
Applications are now open! The application page can be found here. Please remember to post your application on your journal and link to it in the comments section of the page. If you have questions or have problems with the code, please let the mods know.
Central Library
7 years ago 21
The Applications page has been updated with a new application form and we are planning to open applications this weekend.