Central Library
7 years ago
Applications will be open until the end of the month of January.
latest #14
Central Library says
7 years ago
Most of the apps that have been submitted have been approved and it is planned weather permitting that the ones that have been submitted by this morning will be approved tonight.
7 years ago
I can't wait to see more intro posts in OOC
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I probably should put one up even if I'm automatically in with Alec LOL
7 years ago
Since I updated my app, should I still wait for confirmation?
Squad Mom
7 years ago
You should. I"m waiting to ping my co mod because she knows the details of how the Library works on the metaphysical level. I'm the Non-Fiction part of the Library (like the Cat)
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I want her to check on things before we add :-D
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
I can get more done!
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I'll plurk this soon so I'm not double plurking... would anyone mind if I do a temporary taken character page that's basically just a list beneath the Librarians until I get my glasses fixed?
7 years ago
I need to get my butt in gear with Barry thanks Mods
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Squad Mom
7 years ago
It's supposed to be just a couple more days, unless the weather messed up deliveries
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