Central Library
15Friends 12Fans
Houston, TX, United States
Welcome to the Central Library information center. Please clarify which librarian you wish to speak to, otherwise, all questions will be handled by the Head Librarian.
the_central_library | Recent Entries
Central Library
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
The Contact Page is being updated. If changes need to be made, please let the mod team know. The newest patrons still need to be added to the list.
Central Library
7 years ago 1
Reserves and Applications are currently open.
Central Library
7 years ago 99
Questions for players about current situation.
Central Library
7 years ago 25
Applications are open again. The mod team is taking suggestions on App cycle frequency.
Central Library
7 years ago 36
Reminder of the Orientation Event post
Central Library
7 years ago 6
The first draft of the taken list is coded but more information is needed.
Central Library
7 years ago 42
Question for patrons.