225Friends 290Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Writer, career coach, and business strategist. Founder of SOBCon and community builder.
lizstrauss asks
15 years ago 3
will you go make a chronicle at and let me know what you think?
lizstrauss asks
15 years ago 17
what's the best idea you've ever had?
lizstrauss asks
15 years ago 32
Do you believe in the term, "work-life balance"?
15 years ago 29
wonders how folks find their vision.
lizstrauss asks
15 years ago 5
do you know any corporate blogs that aren't boring -- besides Dell.
15 years ago 2
wonders what the mccain food company talks about in their team meeting that brings them to Yesterday from Belgium today Au
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
Hruzek's running for Pres of Texas -- See video!!
lizstrauss says
16 years ago 29
BIG THANKS to everyone who plurked a "happy birthday" my way!! (LOL)
16 years ago 12
wonders whether it will be called social media a year from now.
lizstrauss asks
16 years ago 19
where's the line at what's social media?