lizstrauss asks
16 years ago
where's the line at what's social media?
latest #19
Shai Coggins says
16 years ago
do we really need to define lines with social media? ;-)
rjleaman says
16 years ago
Current web definition of social media seems to be quite narrow: web-based tech tools to enable group conversation?
PopCultureHead says
16 years ago
People connect for so many different reasons...but it's the connection that counts.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
shai Coggins I don't like lines much either.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
It really is about the connection and not the tools.
🇺🇦HighDef🇺🇦 says
16 years ago
I like to think outside the box. Everything evolves, so "social media" today will be different tomorrow. It is what we think it is.
iContact says
16 years ago
it all depends on what direction you're using SM. Web 2.0 for online conversation/participation/research, or Enterprise 2.0 for business?
16 years ago
Connections trump tools, yet without them social media would not be recognized as such today. We were connecting on BBS's back in the day.
16 years ago
But that wasn't social media, which is a convergence of social computing technologies and ability for everyone to be a publisher of content.
16 years ago
Add people into that mix and you have social media.
CommunityMGR says
16 years ago
it should be noted, that the "content" should somehow be monitored for validity, or else you have rampant invalid data corruption in SM.
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
this sounds like a topic for a PlurkShop. I agree that it's the tools and the conversations. But I think it's going to evolve and change.
Beth Harte asks
16 years ago
who is the judge of what content is "valid?"
16 years ago
Have no idea what CommunityMgr is referring to.
LindaZ says
16 years ago
tools allow the community and conversation, but communities will always find ways to communicate, tools are created by people who want...
LindaZ says
16 years ago
community and communication... and round and round we go
jennydecki says
16 years ago
When a group of two or more come together in the name of media.
acnatta says
16 years ago
well we wouldn't need to start the conversation again, we'd just need to point folks to lizstrauss' question..
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
acnatta Thanks. Though I bet all agree the question is bigger than my blog post.
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