16 years ago
wonders whether it will be called social media a year from now.
latest #12
Kim Fenolio will
16 years ago
it be any less social a year from now though?
MackCollier says
16 years ago
16 years ago
Well, we're blonde, Liz, we can call it w/e we want to. *impish grin*
mcbsconsulting asks
16 years ago
didn't we ask the same thing about Blogging a couple of yrs ago? :-P
Teeg thinks
16 years ago
social media is the best name to encompass all the sites that fall under it, so probably.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
talespinner didn't see the plurk, but I've had similar thoughts.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
we have to see how long plurk stays active first, I think.
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