[Event]steps out onto the streets of First City, making her rounds through the town. She hardly paid any mind to the glares she was receiving. If they had a problem with her, they could leave.
[Event]Just over a year had passed since the war had ended. Gjertrud had received a few letters from Soren (how he had gotten her address was beyond her) and hadn't replied to any. She didn't know quite how to-
[Event]finds a room for rent in a town near the border and settles down. She had managed to talk a doctor in the town into taking her on staff even though she had no proper schooling. The pay was minimal but-
[Event]practices using some crutches. She was getting tired of laying around and wanted to be able to move around. The news that negotiations had begun had cheered her up and she wanted to make plans for after.
[Event]moves closer to the front lines to help some of the injured there. She helps one Gondwana soldier on a make shift stretcher and starts helping him towards a medical tent. Glancing around, she notices-
[Event]had heard several rumors running through both camps about the prisoners Laurasia had taken and different operations Laurasia was engaged in. She walks to the area prisoners were held one night, watching-
[Event]carries a box of medical supplies past one of the Gondwana soldier tents. She was pretty sure that the German Soren had mentioned was assigned to this sector when not on the front lines. So far, she-
[Event]sits behind a supply crate in the Gondwana camp. She rests her head in her hands and sighs quietly. She couldn't be sure that she was safe there anymore but she knew she couldn't go back empty handed.
hangs black streamers from the trees in Thora's yard and wears all black.
[Event]frowns as she clutches her bag close to her. She had managed to get into Gondwana with little trouble and made her way to a city, enlisting in the Gondwana army as a nurse. At first, she had planned on-