119Friends 3Fans
female Reno, NV, United States
Erza Scarlet, Barbara Gordon,
Erza Scarlet, Zeira, Ryuko, Annie
[ES] Erza Scarlet, Virgo
Erza Scarlet, Marin

4 years ago 14 @Edit 4 years ago
First plurk from this account in forever, but. I am seeking a cultural sensitivity consultancy on two black characters for my fantasy novel, Hatching A Heroine. protagonist Lonna and the villainous sorceress-queen Sorissa. Compensation is $25/hour. Contact me by private plurk if interested.

ETA: Looks like I've found someone! Thank you so much everyone!
5 years ago 3
[pets][rehoming] is there anyone in the northern NV area with no current pets, who could take in a cat? he's a tuxedo by the name of spiderman. He's an adult male, fixed, and really lovely - but he can't take being around the other cats.
7 years ago 63
[Help?][Surgery] Does anyone know any really cheap places to stay in the bay area? That are safe/sanitary? I'm currently looking at a thousand dollars for lodging, pretty much, and I'm really trying to.... not. Pay a thousand dollars for a place to stay, just so I can get my surgery. :-(
7 years ago
[Help?] Does anyone know cheap
7 years ago 62
[gofundme] I'm really hesitant to ask this everyone, but. I'm getting my surgery in 3 weeks, GRS. So I made a gofundme - to try and raise enough money for the surgery. I'm willing to offer writing commissions in return, if. That's any interest to anyone. This timeline was made public, so you can replurk if you're willing.
9 years ago
===>Strawberyknight===> Kay - just altering this for convenience of those pinging me not getting mixed up
9 years ago
dropped Erza. >,> still there with other girls - for now - but I really have been having trouble with motivation in this game, as wonderful as it is.
9 years ago
who do you ship my characters with?
9 years ago 11
prepares to hurt lylith