6 years ago
[Help?][Surgery] Does anyone know any really cheap places to stay in the bay area? That are safe/sanitary? I'm currently looking at a thousand dollars for lodging, pretty much, and I'm really trying to.... not. Pay a thousand dollars for a place to stay, just so I can get my surgery. :-(
latest #63
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Stupid bay area costs so much... and I can't drive, so I need a place relatively close to burlingame (specifically the mills peninsula where my surgery is)
Striving Spark
6 years ago
And my friends all insist that staying in someone's house via airnb is too risky, for a trans girl who's about to get a major inpatient surgery
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Even if i can get a thousand dollars, it means going another thousand dollars into debt, just so that I don't die AFTER my surgery. >,>
...airbnb might be ok, tbh. I know people who did that, just make sure no one else will be there
Striving Spark
6 years ago
komikbookgeek: ...Apparently anything with an actual rating (which I'd prefer, because stranger's house) is as expensive as the inn, anyway.... at least the inn comes with free breakfast and wifi. Sigh
Striving Spark
6 years ago
hmmm. There's a couple options, but i'm still looking at 700 dollars for his one.......
Striving Spark
6 years ago
and there's other guests
Striving Spark
6 years ago
aaaaaand i think you have to pay the full amount upfront, which puts me back in square one.....
Striving Spark
6 years ago
(That, and Eve refuses to even consider it. :-( )
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
i dont live in the area anymore but you have lucked out because you're reasonably close to the sf airport where theres a lot of options available
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
how long will you need to be recovering? you could totally get a room at an extended stay near the airport, i checked how much a week would be and it's like 130-ish
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I got eve to consider it as a backup option because I could save three hundred at an air bnb - but it's still expensive and she just keeps saying "it's a bad idea."
Striving Spark
6 years ago
travistouchdicks: an extended stay?
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I need to be down there ten days and everything I'm coming up with says a thousand.
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
ive only stayed at an extended stay in the east bay so i cant vouch for safety but it's not like you'll be in an airbnb situation where privacy will be an issue cause you'll have the room to yourself for an extended period
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
and the sf bay is very very doable by public transit: if you're going to be in south peninsula, your best bets will be bay area rapid transit and caltrain
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
oh shit that's 134 a night :/ they might give you a cheaper reduced rate for a longer period
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Yeah. I was going to say. ;;
Striving Spark
6 years ago
(Also, there's a limit to how much you can ride the bus with a catheter and essentially an open bleeding wound.)
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
unfortunately the bay area's really expensive so.... airbnb will still prob be your cheapest option unfortunately -- and yeah lmfao
Striving Spark
6 years ago
they kinda warn against it.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
The place i picked is about 80 a night, has free breakfast and wifi, and is only like 2 miles away from the hospital - so i can get there for about 7 dollars by lyft
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Buuuuuuut that comes to about a thousand a night with taxes, so i'm looking for cheaper alternatives
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
yeah unless you go for an airbnb or start getting into the motels that are a little sketchier i'm afraid that's about average for this area :-(
Striving Spark
6 years ago
(Unfortunately, the girl who's coming to look after me is scared of 1. us being irresponsible by staying in someone's home while i'm bleeding all the time, and 2. afraid of me getting killed...........)
Striving Spark
6 years ago
So i'm back to taking out a loan it looks like :/
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
i wish i could give more than this information, i hope you can find an alternative :[
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I doubt the "Best value inn" is exactly classy, but. IT'll keep me alive. Sigh
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Thank you though ;;
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
i mean, i can at least say that since it's the bay area you wont be the only queer person people have seen by far - ofc the risk will always be there, but you're in the san francisco vicinity
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I'm also able to pass, as a rule, but. Just. I'm scared. :-(
Striving Spark
6 years ago
ANd eve keeps saying "it's a bad idea. It's a bad idea. It's a bad idea" and i'm freaking terrified and. Sigh
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
be aware of yourself always of course!!!!!!!! but again, this is the sf bay we're talking about
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
its real gay here, you wont be in super immediate danger
Look, everyone I've known of who has gone there for surgery has stayed at an airbnb so
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
additionally, burlingame / the south peninsula in itself is pretty safe
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
(i grew up in daly city / south sf and lived in the east bay, still working in the east bay)
Hot Goth Summer
6 years ago
See if there are any local organizations for lgbtq help? Or even just locals, just someone to stop by, bring groceries, visit etc. so that you won't seem alone and potentially more targetable.
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
like, there's sketchy areas everywhere but the general area isnt really known for crime - that's more certain parts of SF itself and the east bay
lesbor samsa
6 years ago
and you'll have someone with you so it wont be too bad
Hot Goth Summer
6 years ago
I mean, i doubt you'll be taking the BART at night alone
Striving Spark
6 years ago
misosoupaddict: CHecked for organizations komikbookgeek: i sent the host a message seeing if they'd mind someone who'd just had surgery staying there... Sigh We'll see what everyone says, but Eve is really against it... But it would sabve me 300
Striving Spark
6 years ago
(By everyone, i mean the host but also DS)
rianne ✨
6 years ago
i live in the bay area and can offer i put when i am home in a couple hours if need be. have also done airbnb in the area fwiw
6 years ago
I don't know you, but I've worked at extended stay style hotels. What you should do is call the hotel and ask to speak to the sales manager and explain you're going to be there for medical purposes and do they have a medical rate.
6 years ago
If they don't have a sales manager just ask about the medical rate, most hotels have them.
Contact the hospital you're going to be having the surgery at - a lot of times they'll have a social worker on hand that has info on places to stay and may have some kind of special rate already worked out.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
They do have a special rate worked out at a hotel, but the hotel they recommend is 200 a night.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Medical rate was a bust, they quoted me a price higher than what i got on expedia (which supposedly was saving me 20% by itself) - but i did at least confirm i could pay for it day by day, instead of all at once, if it came down to that
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Now i'm just worried they're going to rip me off and charge me even more money than they say on the website. Though we booked it on the website, so it theoretically should be fine, but........
6 years ago
I'm in the Bay Area, but a bit further south, and not somewhere you could get by public transit. Are you going to need to travel regularly during the week, or is it more of a "get to surgery/get back" once or twice consideration?
Striving Spark
6 years ago
notglitching: Twice. Once for the surgery, and once for the post-op....
6 years ago
/nods. I'm gonna PP you? Not 100% sure the timing and etc. would work out, and I'm not the only one involved with the decisions, but the people I'm living with are renting, and may be willing to do a cheap rate for this.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
6 years ago
I’m unfortunately too far (in East Bay) and have no space, but I’ll replurk and ask around!
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Striving Spark
6 years ago
My roommate offered to pay for the hotel, so it's not as desperate as it was, but. The cheaper place I can find, the less i have to pay them back? And they already do so much for me....
6 years ago
if you booked it online, you should be sent a confirmation email.Keep it and if they charge you differently just pull that out
6 years ago
how long do you need to stay at the hotel? I might be able to let you use my friends and family rate if you're willing to stay at a marriott brand hotel.
6 years ago
if you're interested, feel free to pp me and I can see what I can do to help in that department.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
taintedstuff: ten days. the place I picked is fairly cheap but. ten days is expensive.
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