all the way
16Friends 1Fans
female United States
I write things.

Muse list upon request.
all the way
1 years ago 18
❗A Note About RP❗
all the way
1 weeks ago 1
It's bad enough that it's 103 outside and not much cooler inside but it's even worse that I'm crampy and need to use the heating pad to alleviate them while the meds start to do their work.
all the way
2 weeks ago 6 @Edit 2 weeks ago
Yeah, having a comment reiterating that trans women are women deleted from existence is catalyst enough to finally block this asshole's YouTube channel.
all the way
2 weeks ago 4
One month until 44.
all the way
2 weeks ago 5
Another rejection e-mail. Here's hoping the in-person interview I have today works out. Trying to stay hopeful after 5 months of this is getting harder and harder all the time.
all the way
2 weeks ago 2
Just about time for rescheduled interview. So fun that I'm having a bad GI day so far - I hope I can get through the 30 minutes relatively intact, otherwise I'll be conducting my side of the meeting from the bathroom.
all the way
3 weeks ago 8
Two interviews today - video 8:30AM, in person 12:30pm
all the way
3 weeks ago 16
It's only 97 degrees (out of today's high of 102), it's the perfect time to lug one of multiple baskets of laundry up and down stairs to the laundry room, right!
all the way
3 weeks ago 1
Ah, the first giant cockroach of the year. Now I definitely need to get the sticky traps out. And clean out the bathtub since now there's Raid in it and the dog likes to roll in the tub. Can't have him getting sick from the chemicals.
all the way
3 weeks ago 1
Think the dog ate something out of the trash while I was on my second interview. I don't remember everything that was on the top of the trash, but I see that the tomato top is gone.