all the way
19Friends 3Fans
female United States
I write things.

Muse list upon request.
all the way
2 years ago 20
❗A Note About RP❗
all the way
1 weeks ago 25
Donate to Help Lauren and Gabe with Rent and Bills, ...We can really use a little help right now. My current goal is to finish paying rent, which is $675 but with $10 late fees every day I don't pay. Anything else will be transferred to savings to help with next month & beyond. Every little bit helps, including replurks and shares elsewhere!
all the way
3 weeks ago 11
Real fun way to start the day when someone on your team posts in support chat that the Red Cross does not value us and to find a job where they do. Listen, I'm not here to feel valued, I'm here because I was unemployed for 8 months and they're the first place to offer me a job.
all the way
3 weeks ago 2 @Edit 3 weeks ago
I guess I should take some pride that a (former) mutual on Tumblr that's proudly proclaimed that they ~never unfollow anyone~ has unfollowed me.
all the way
1 months ago 6
Boy, I love having to take two, count 'em, two days off of work this week in order to prepare for pest control's visit tomorrow even though we have never and still don't have German roaches in our apartment.
all the way
1 months ago
I deserve better than being made to feel miserable all the time. I am worth more than this.
all the way
1 months ago
Did taxes. On the plus side, I don't owe anything this year. But thanks to unemployment, I am only getting $380 back, which is ... way less than I'd hoped for. It is something, though, so I'm not complaining.
all the way
1 months ago
Well, I guess 'winter' is over because today was 80 degrees and tomorrow is supposed to be 85. It's not supposed to be this warm for at least another month, and we haven't had the typical freezes yet, either. I hate this.
all the way
1 months ago
Well, I made it past the anniversaries of being laid off from CaptionCall and fired from Alorica unscathed, so that's something.
all the way
1 months ago
Anyway, definitely scheduled Creed from The Office for a blood donation this morning, so that was cool.
all the way
2 months ago 15
What do you MEAN what do I want? The heat has been out for three days already, it's freezing in my apartment, I put in a maintenance request yesterday that nobody came to address AND the office inexplicably isn't open today but IS open tomorrow and I don't want you coming into my apartment to fix it while I'm working.