all the way
3 weeks ago
Another rejection e-mail. Here's hoping the in-person interview I have today works out. Trying to stay hopeful after 5 months of this is getting harder and harder all the time.
all the way
2 weeks ago
Not sure this one is going to hire me. 40 minutes of surprise testing later, I'm still horrible at math. Besides that, it's a Sales position but it was looking for Data Entry/Customer Service.
all the way
2 weeks ago
Like, be honest about the role from the start, maybe!
Sunny Deerlight
2 weeks ago
They are missing out on a skilled worker! Their loss!
all the way
2 weeks ago
I have one upcoming appointment for assessments, and it's a job I really want. Only problem is it's a LONG way from home and a: I don't have the funds to continue traveling back and forth and b: it would take HOURS out of my day to take the bus.
all the way
2 weeks ago
But I'll continue applying like crazy and hoping something sticks.