all the way
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
Yeah, having a comment reiterating that trans women are women deleted from existence is catalyst enough to finally block this asshole's YouTube channel.
latest #6
all the way
2 weeks ago
Should have been when he said - completely seriously - that fat women should be grateful that sex offenders would be willing to date or marry them, but I guess I thought that trying to educate him on why that was uh, a real fucked up thing to say would have done any good.
all the way
2 weeks ago
I'm like sir you are no fucking gift to womankind yourself so maybe calm down on the rhetoric.
all the way
2 weeks ago
Also, he always talks over the female 'friends' he has on, too, which is annoying to say the least, especially when they always have more valid and interesting points to make.
all the way
2 weeks ago
Anyway, good riddance, finally.
2 weeks ago
Literally nothing of value was lost, etc.
all the way
2 weeks ago
I'll be less annoyed in the long run, so I consider this a win.
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