all the way
3 weeks ago
It's only 97 degrees (out of today's high of 102), it's the perfect time to lug one of multiple baskets of laundry up and down stairs to the laundry room, right!
latest #16
all the way
3 weeks ago
If I had the money, I'd invest in a portable washer and dryer. Not that they're allowed in unit, but what they don't know can't hurt them.
all the way
3 weeks ago
I don't know that I'll try to take my huge, heavy blanket down to wash - although it needs it - but at least my bedding and towels and dirty clothes will all be clean. One less thing to worry about.
all the way
3 weeks ago
Of course, what little energy I have will be SAPPED by the end of this endeavor, but it'll be done.
all the way
3 weeks ago
Maybe I'll take a nice cool bath later. Yeah, that sounds nice.
all the way
3 weeks ago
And that's despite the bathroom light not working. Can't have it all, I guess.
all the way
3 weeks ago
Second load washing, one more to go.
all the way
3 weeks ago
Of course, it's now 99, so by the time I'm done, it'll have hit that 102 mark.
all the way
3 weeks ago
I guess I can't complain too much, the last two days the high has been 108-110.
all the way
3 weeks ago
102 is a gift, considering.
all the way
3 weeks ago
Triple digits now and I have one more load to take down. Couldn't carry all the clothes together, so had to split the load.
all the way
3 weeks ago
I'm hot and exhausted and don't want to make multiple trips up and down. But it's for the best if it results in clean laundry.
all the way
3 weeks ago
I have no idea how I'm going to tackle the other chores that need doing but I guess that's a problem for future Lauren.
all the way
3 weeks ago
One more load to bring up. That's $15 that I didn't really have to spare.
all the way
3 weeks ago
See why I want a portable washer and dryer? It would save money in the long run.
all the way
3 weeks ago
Okay, now I just have to put everything away sobs and I'm done with laundry.
all the way
3 weeks ago
I did manage to get most of the laundry put away, save for a few pieces. I'll try to finish tomorrow.
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